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    1. DrWhitePsyker

      Ejection system - sometimes you just need to punch out.

      I thought up of this idea during a fight with some pirates; I was losing hard and I needed to leave my dead-in-the-water ship. However, the second I stepped out, I was going to blasted to atoms by the pirates. I had no way to escape my metal tomb. As I sat there, listening to the pounding of...
    2. DrWhitePsyker

      Docking improvements (Port to Port, ect)

      Since docking is getting refurbed at the moment, I would just like to suggest adding in a simple extra features. Firsly, Ships coming to dock should have their own docking port as well as the ship they are going to dock to. This just more realistic than somehow the 'mothership' docking port...
    3. DrWhitePsyker

      The Freelancers Fleet (Warning: Wall of text)

      Oh goodie, Another fleet thread! Well, sit back kiddies and enjoy reading the eye-popping, brain-melting wall of text that is.. THE FREELANCERS FLEET GUIDE First off, Who are the Freelancers? The Freelancers are a rag-tag group of adventurers, former pirates, outcasts and renegades that...
    4. DrWhitePsyker

      Insert Witty Title Joke Here

      Names Trueman White. People normally just call me White. I saw the game a few days back and, after an hour of gameplay, I was certain I should buy the game. Now I'm a proud owner of this awesome game! I'm looking forward to seeing how it evolves as well as how the role playing scene around the...
    5. DrWhitePsyker

      Intership cyberwarfare - a solution to 'locking' ships.

      I've read a lot about people wanting docking parties and inner-ship combat to be things and I've also read a lot about people wanting to have a way of protecting ships from outsiders just dropping in and using their systems to deconstruct the ship. I think I've worked out a way to meet both...