Intership cyberwarfare - a solution to 'locking' ships.

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I've read a lot about people wanting docking parties and inner-ship combat to be things and I've also read a lot about people wanting to have a way of protecting ships from outsiders just dropping in and using their systems to deconstruct the ship. I think I've worked out a way to meet both demands - A cyber warfare system.

    Ships with a cyber warfare defense block have the ability to lock down the controls to just their owner, faction members, password protect etc. They would also protect against cyber warfare attack blocks. The amount of defense they provide is based on the number of cores divided by the mass of the ship - This gives a ship its 'CWD' rating. The more cyber warfare blocks you add however, the less of a boost the new block adds to the total defense rating - effectively meaning larger ships are easier to hack than smaller ones.

    Ships with a cyber warfare attack blocks make a beam that tries to take down the defenses. depending on the size of the CWA array and the CWD rating of the target changes how long it takes to override the other ship along with the typical factors such as range. Once overridden, the attacker gains access over low-level features of the ship remotely - such as disabling shields, disrupting power regen, forcing missiles to miss-fire or resetting cool downs. The defending ship can restart their defenses by simply accessing their CWD block - similar to how you can currently stop a core overheating by accessing it. This returns any disabled system to their control. Overriding defenses also disables the ships CWD locks - meaning if the attack breaks into the ship, they can access all the computers and the core.

    Heres the twist - Defenses are rather cheap and easy to buy from the shop while attack beams are not purchasable and must be made in a factory.

    This would hopefully add a new layer of complexity to combat - Only well set up factions could afford the attack beams to begin 'stealing' ships while just about the world and his dog can be protected from 'unauthorized access'.

    I know its quite off the wall for an idea - So any views? Improvements?
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I love the idea of alternative means of combat, especially ones that would force a player out of their core for a few seconds mid fight or give more benifit to extra crew.. (As long as walking in a moving ship starts working a bit more consistantly).

    This does seem to have one little hitch for the protecting ships plan though. If somebody is offline, somebody else has all day to jack a ship, nobody is gunna stop them unless your faction has somebody guarding the communal parking space all day and night. and factory output isn\'t that slow, even without a fancy mass producing system, assuming that the attacker dosn\'t just import some massive 3000 Cyber warfare attacker goliath from SP and jack the ship. Wat\'s stopping them from just taking all the time they need to just build what\'s needed to take the ship and making off with it?
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This would add a new layer of problems. But I do like the new means of combat.