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    1. P

      Rail gun ready for testing

      No offense, but hasn\'t dawned on any of you that a railgun would be completeley useless if AMCs could pierce multiple layers? The beam would loose the hp value of each block it pierced, until it ran out. Since it\'s possible to make AMC arrays that can deal way more damage than hulls can...
    2. P

      Make Symmetry Actually Symmetrical

      I can't really think of a perfect way to explain why the symmetry that is in advanced build mode in't really symmetrical, but I'll try. Basically, if you want to have your ship core exactly in the center of your ship, your ship has to be an odd number of blocks wide. This is no issue if you...
    3. P

      Fullscreen Woes on Ubuntu

      I have played the game on windows with the exe launcher, and fullscreen works fine when I set the resolution to the native one of my screen. However, when I play it on the exact same computer, but in ubuntu, even when I check fullscreen, and set the resolution correctley, the game comes up as...
    4. P

      Rotatable Player

      Yes, but it would be nice if you could rotate the player. It\'s not like it would be that hard, all that would be needed is to apply the ship\'s physics to the player. Gravity has its place, but isn\'t it eaisier to do without it?
    5. P

      Warp Drives

      I know there have been lots of threads on this, but I have an idea for a way to prevent them from bieng too easy to implement, or overpowered, and add an element of realism. (Well, star trek realism, as well some very scetchy theoretical physics) The general basis for the system would be...
    6. P

      What is the difference between the free and paid version?

      Minecrat was cheap, in beta, but then, with the official release, the price went up. I don\'t know if you will ever have to pay to play at all, but $3 is as cheap as it is ever going to get, so buy up now. And, I want to support the game, \'cause it\'s the only game that\'s better than minecraft.
    7. P

      Moveable Ship Core

      Personallly, I don\'t like cores at all, and I can\'t be the only one. It would be more realistic it you could spawn ships like you do space stations. Then, possibly, there could be things like a navigation computer which controls all the engines, and it would be nice if cockpits were replaced...