Search results

    1. C

      Pitch Black Industries

      Those ships look great! EDIT: Oh, and that middle pic has a station doesnt it? It also looks great.
    2. C

      black holes?

      This is what they look like: Its old, and it will probably be a while before it is ever implemented(if it ever is implemented).
    3. C

      ShapeWright [ship generator]

      The \"Fun Times\"(Looks interesting): The \"Derpy PepperOni\"(A Space Pirate\'s Ship): The \"Party Killer\"(My favourite): I really do like this.
    4. C

      Preparing for update?

      They\'ll probably be converted. At least that what i think(and hope for).
    5. C

      Virus SKins

      Since when could Windows Defender tell someone that they had a virus?
    6. C

      Quick and Efficient Factory Help

      You might not have enough power storage.
    7. C


      It takes a normal player ~6 hours or less to reach 100000 mass with details added. Players can already output over 300 mass a second by just clicking 3 times a second. And whats the point of a shipyard if a ship you can assemble in a few hours take days to assemble in a shipyard?
    8. C

      Using imported ships

      Go to where its marker is, the ships core is always right there. If there isnt a core there, the blueprint is edited or corrupted.
    9. C

      AI in game coding

      You know, if you create a game engine, you may have docking as docing in the code, or degrees as degrease. No coding language forces you to have proper spelling for anything exept for its base functions, so he could be a coder in Java or C# or C++ or Phyton or whatever other coding language you...
    10. C

      Hyperdrive, navigation, new weapons, planetary wars etc.

      4000 metres cubed is smaller than the current planets. You mean 4000 metres across?
    11. C

      Crimson Corp Fleet Dynamics

      Really nice ships! It\'s not common to see ships of this quality level.
    12. C

      The Kessel: it's a vessel

      Looks pretty nice.
    13. C

      Docking enhancers/module not working properly on planets and possibly elsewhere aswell.

      While i was trying to create a dock for one of my mid-sized ships on a planet, the docking enhancers(or the module) did not work properly. Only the longest direction of enhancers were effecting the docking area, and the rest of them were ignored by the Docking module.
    14. C

      Home - My first battleship.

      Very nice! Makes me want to finish my titan. Again, very nice!
    15. C

      A safehaven from the yogs-storm for veterans of Starmade.

      Firstly, not everyone know the answer to questions that may be obvious to you. For example, just because you found this game before the Yogscast made a video about it doesn\'t meas your a veteran. If you found out about this game a year ago, then maybe, but finding out about this game in between...
    16. C

      Desolation Anarchy | Survival | No blueprints | Missions/Encounters | Modified Economy | Modified Bl

      IGN: CryStal Faction: None ATM. Your age: 14 Do you agree that your IP will be logged an could be banned if found breaking the rules or exploiting? I understand, and hacking is a bad thing! Hope no hacker manages to get on the server. Do you understand StarMade is in Alpha and bugs will...