Hyperdrive, navigation, new weapons, planetary wars etc.


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Hyperdrive, Navigation, New weapons and planetary wars etc.

    First things first this game is only in the alpha stages so I didn't expect anything to radical, but it could do with a couple new things.

    1)Hyperdrive-only ships too large to fit through jump gates would be able to acquire a hyperdrive and ships larger then 500 blocks. The hyperdrive would come at no small cost, it would need fuel, and the fuel should have to be mind from planets or astroids and would not be able to be bought at a shop. Smaller ship would need a special hyperdrive like the hyperdrive rings from starwars. Hyperdrive should be configured much in the same way as SD HCT xm3.4 power modules. Pretty much building in bulk will only make it less but if you put it in seperated lines it will make it more efficient. You can only choose to have a better recharge time or more speed, or you can install two hyper drives and use one at a time to boost the recharge speed. The hyper drive will require power storage to build up for a while or it will not start to charge due to insufficient power output.
    -recharge speed: needs to be built in straight lines using up more space but allowing fast travel.
    -speed: each block of hyper drive will give an extra 100 blocks of travel before it has to recharge. And every ten blocks will increase the speed by 2%.

    2)fleet module- the fleet module requires a fleet beacon in each ship and a fleet module in your capital ship. it will be a upgraded version of the Bobby AI unit. Once the fleet beacon is in every ship in your fleet you will have to type the serial number of the capital ship in each block and also place the fleet module in your capital ship and set it as 'capital ship'. The other types of ships you can set are 'escorts' and 'squadrons'. Escorts would mainly be at least half the size of the capital ship and will fly along side it. Squadrons on the other hand would be fighters, in each squadron there can be a max of 5 ships that will fly in a triangular formation. They will attack any unidentified vessels approaching. The ships will also require a Bobby AI unit and faction module.

    3)RAD module(recall and deploy module)-this module requires;
    -a satellite beacon(the more bulky the beacon the longer the range)
    -a RAD docking module
    -a RAD receiver on each fighter
    the RAD beacon
    Where ever you would normally place a docking module you would place a RAD docking module next to it and link it together. But before you do that you have to place a RAD module and link it to your ship core. For this to work the game would need an update to give every ship spawned a serial number. You would find out the fighters serial number and type it into the RAD docking module. The fighter when recalled would return to the docking module and land there. To recall or deploy you would use it much the same as a weapon or cloak. You would select the number you want to press to use it and it would deploy or recall your ships. This would also require a new type of door to allow the fighters to know where to enter your ship.

    4)Planetary Wars: if there were to be planetary wars there are three things it would require;
    - bigger planets, around 4000meters in each dimension.
    -ground vehicles- cars, tanks, AT-STs:D
    -solar systems with about 7 or 8 planets spaced out from each other . About 50,000-100,000 Meters apart.
    If the game had these added in it would make it a lot more fun. It'll be like the attack on Genosia in Star Wars. You would make your colonization on a planet and would have a ship around 100 blocks long and would take any smaller ships with it. The smaller ships could have hyperdrive rings also like in starwars.

    5)Drop Pods-if they were to make the ideas about planetary wars they should also add in drop pods. The drop pods would be easily deployed on to other ships, asteroids or planets. They deploy once a player has shut the door on it. They would then launch down and some thrusters would kick in to make it slow down.

    6)New AI bot system-there maybe AI ships but there aren't AI infantry or ground vehicles. The AI bots could go in drop pods, cars and could also replace the bobby AI unit. They would look like droids and would cost a fair amount of credits. Once you spawn one you would then turn it on and set it to either pilot a ship; drive a vehicle or fight with hand held guns. They should make an interface on the Bot so you could and shields, cloaking devices, salvage beams and other stuff by placing them in the interface. There would of cause be a limit of what you could put inside it.

    7)warp gates-as only larger ships can have hyperdrives why not give the smaller ships warp gates. The warp gate would be 150blocks long in diameter. The warp gates would only be able to allow travel to another warp gate. They can also be blown up, so if you don't want yours to be blown up you could add turrets and shields to it. When building the warp gate you have to make sure every block in it is adjacent and is 10blocks long. Once the warp gate is finished you would need to install power generators and storage. The warp gate will require more energy for every kilometer more you want to travel, around 500 extra energy. Once you have finished building a warp gate you will have to link it to another one, you can't just go anywhere, you have to know the coordinates.

    8)Extendable docking clamps-it wouldn't be too bad to have extendable docking clamps. They would allow ships to big to dock on stations to dock. To dock you would firstly need a docking port/air lock on your ship and a cockpit facing the way the airlock is facing. Once your alined you simply have to active the docking clamps. To make the docking clamps more stable you could also add some normal clamps the grab the station or ship. You could also use them if you we're to disable the enemy ship's engines to board them. You would use the clamps to grab there ship and send the docking clamp across.

    9)New weapons- here is a list of new weapons and there description.
    -Nuclear silo-with the nuclear missiles you would have to build them and would only have a limited amount. To make the missile work you would need;
    -targeting computer
    Once you build the nuke you have to set a target: planet, ship and astroids. They have a 5000DPS by default.
    -MAC cannon-Magnetic acceleration cannon or also known as mass acceleration cannon. This cannon will require a large tube and several magnetic rings placed equally along the tube. Then you would build the big bullet and place it in place. Once the cannon is built you will have to install a buffer connect to each magnetic ring. You charge up the buffer and fire and there you have it a 20000DPS gun. The only down side is they start at lengths of 150blocks with a diameter of 10 to 300blocks with a diameter of 20.
    -ballistic bullets-this weapon is pretty much the same as AMCs but the deal explosive damage and require ammo and no power.

    10)crashing and better destruction-I was testing out the covenant corvette on the Star Wars corvette and put a hole right thought the center and in a boring minute it was still able to fly with the back, even though it was disconnected. Also the ships core blew up with it to leave behind the turrets. For starters the ship when blown up should have a blast radius, say the more power you have stored up the bigger the explosion. So 1mil power might equal 100blocks blast radius. Secondly the ship should have left the back behind but it didn't so I think they should make derbies and if the back is disconnected and the engines were there then it should not be allowed to move. Lastly when ramming other ships with no shields on your ship should result in major damage. If you have shields then you should take no damage but if the other ship's is down then you should be allowed to ram it and smash it in to several pieces.

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    thank you for taking your time to read this, I will update it regularly
    Jun 23, 2013
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    i like the fleet module idea but this would only be use full in big wars (like the DFN and vaygr war atm) otherwise not many people would use it
    Jul 2, 2013
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    The planets should totally be much much bigger, everyone can build a ship way larger than a planet.

    Love all your ideas, especially the fleet and RAD thing
    Sep 20, 2013
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    The fleet module would be amazing. When i read this post I was about to make a suggestion about it.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    4000 metres cubed is smaller than the current planets. You mean 4000 metres across?


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    I was also thinking about clouds and nebulas. In some nebulas your shield might not work and in others your power might dim down a lot. Or maybe even ships might not be able to use navigation.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Before I start, I\'m just letting you know I don\'t dislike any of these ideas, but need some balancing. This Is my opinion of what they should be like. Ya ready?

    The Hyperdrive

    I like the concept half and half. I think that the hyperdrive should require power as well as fuel. The power increase should be similar to cloakers and jammers, where x amount of power is needed per block. This shouldn\'t be big, but enough to drain power over time.

    The hyperdrive would come at no small cost, it would need fuel, and the fuel should have to be mind from planets or astroids and would not be able to be bought at a shop.

    Will it be available for purchase at a shop? If it will, why wouldn\'t they sell fuel for it? If the hyperdrive blocks aren\'t purchasable, this is fine.

    -recharge speed: needs to be built in straight lines using up more space but allowing fast travel.

    This only encourages cube ships. I think I speak for everyone when I say cube ships suck. Perhaps a formula that rewards a non-blocky hyperdrive. Next.

    The Fleet Module

    This a great idea. Not only does this promote teamwork, but also provides a basis of organization within factions. Good job.

    RAD module(recall and deploy module)?

    This is good, but you added one unnecessary thing:

    This would also require a new type of door to allow the fighters to know where to enter your ship.

    Sorry, plex doors are fine. They would just open it with the docking beams to open it. Although the pathfinding video came up after your post, I have to point out that AI pathfinding is a thing now. So yeah.

    Planet Wars

    Most of that is planned. As for solar systems, I think that 50,000-100,000 meters apart is WAY too much. I understand that planets should be far apart, but whoa. Just in case you don\'t know (not to say you don\'t know) 1 kilometer=1000 meters. I believe a sector is 2500 meters. So the minimum distance between planets is 20 sectors! 40 sectors max!

    Drop Pods

    Nice. Although I think the pods should launch when it is undocked, not when the door is closed.


    ?*Sigh* Another Halo-inspired railgun. I sorta like the rings around it. I guess it makes adds a new way to build ships. What about this though:

    Then you would build the big bullet and place it in place

    Ummm, how exactly? Why can\'t I buy ammo in the shop? Could I use any material? Specifics man, they help a lot.

    Ballistic Bullets

    For balance I suggest low damage, small blast radius, and medium fire rate. Any spamable explosion is bad news. It should have good hull damage, and slightly decreased shield damage. Although this would change depending on how easy to come by the bullets are. if they are hard to make people should be more bang for their buck. If they are everywhere, they should have limited power.

    You have some good thoughts (even if some of them came from Halo) but need detail. Just to clear things up DPS doesn\'t mean damage. DPS= Damage per Second. If you meant to write DPS, 20000 and 5000 are a bit much. A lot a bit much. I think that both the nuke and railgun should be high damage, low reload weapons that take a lot of power.

    If I sounded harsh or cirtical I apologize.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Why can\'t you buy hyperdrive fuel? Some people don\'t like mining all the time. I would prefer hyperdrives to be an external thing personally, not something you can take with you and be reliant upon.

    Why not just have Bobby AI modules be able to be set to fleet mode instead of adding a whole new module?\'

    Being able to recall ships is cool. Would probably be very difficult for one programmer to implement by himself though, when there is so much more that can be done with the same amount of time.

    I don\'t think additional weapons should have to be more complex than the current ones (i.e. building rings or whatever). They can still be unique regardless.

    Planetary Wars is probably too far-fetched. There is a reason planets are so small, and that would require huge planets. Also, ships don\'t work too well as ground attack vehicles (and would be sperior to ground only vehicles). You would have to make ships much more expensive and harder to make than the ground vehicles for balance, and that would make ships game-breakingly hard to make. The point of the game is to be able to start with a ship, and not have an extremely difficult time making them. This would result in too many game changes beyond planets, and make the game into something else, so probably wouldn\'t work. 50-100km isn\'t that much.

    Sure it would be nice for something broken off to break off. It would limit how some people can creatively design ship looks though. Ships don\'t need to explode when destroyed. The reason there are pirates is because they can make money from killing people (otherwise why would they bother attacking you?). Ships should be able to be salvagable, and having them explode when destroyed nerfs that to the point of pointlessness. Ship ramming isn\'t a good idea (see threads that are about it specifically).

    It would probably be better for you to have separate threads for these suggestions, as they aren\'t really all that connected to each other. Suggesting them in a lump sum makes it harder to discuss and read through.


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    imperial_gold and syzygy thanks for your comments. I guess the Mac cannon bullets wasn\'t as good of an idea at the time as it seemed.making the bullets would be pretty complicated. And making the tube and parts for it. I now think it should be like a normal weapon. But on the other hand if it is would it said in the desciption(super powerful) then it should be complicated to make.>>also I saw a turret that is over one million DPS and I have a cannon on one of my ships which is 6000DPS, so it isn\'t really as power fun as you might think. Also the Mac hasa buffer so it requires more power than just what your ship can supply, it needs to build up.

    100,000meters isn\'t as far as it seems, this update would require the hyperdrive and warp gates for starters. Secondly the covenant corvette can go over 300k/ph so it would only take 20 minutes to get there at hyperflux speeds. Also I think there should be one big planet per system and all the rest smaller.

    When I said when the door is closed if you didn\'t know, not to say you didn\'t :D, is when you close the door on the drop pod.

    Also I was thinking for the ballistic bullets you could craft them like in minecraft and place them in a sort of ammo box connected to the cannon.

    I agree on the buying the fuel in shops because it wouldn\'t be in every astroid and if your \'system\' has none you\'ll be stranded unless someone from a different system comes and gives you some.

    Finally when you ram ships they will partially explode but not all of it. And when the core overheats it should make flakes of wreckage depending on the size of the ship.

    ps(imperial_god) how do you make the text that I wrote highlight in greenish greyish colours or is it because your a admin or something like that.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    ps(imperial_god) how do you make the text that I wrote highlight in greenish greyish colours or is it because your a admin or something like that.

    You can use the button in the editor denoted as a quotation mark after you copy-paste it and highlight it.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    These are great ideas just the MAC cannons would be really op with 20000 DPS that is Damage PER second.