Quick and Efficient Factory Help

    Nov 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi all,

    I have been recently trying to produce a factory in my homebase. So far I have been able to produce a factory that creates Hardened Black Hull at a respectable rate but one would not call it quick. I tried adding more enhancers onto the factory and put additional power but no matter how much power I put down the factory will have none of it. I have seen lots of YouTube videos on factories but none of them really describe to me what is needed for a large-scale factory that produces blocks fast. Could someone please help me by saying whether I am using too little power blocks needed, whether I need to have double the power blocks in relation to the enhancers that I have placed down or something else that appears to be a problem. Thank you for reading!

    Nov 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    Chances are you need more power generators or more power storage blocks. You need A LOT to power a good sized factory.

    Could you provide a screenshot of your current setup?