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    1. adamo265

      SCElite's ShipYard

      The titan is just an ion cannon frigate from 'Home World 2'
    2. adamo265

      Flak : defense for medium to large ships

      Uh oh, someone did not look at the proposed weapon system XD
    3. adamo265

      StarMade 0.14 RELEASE

      I remeber a time where building large ships was possible with 60 FPS :P I bet i\'m the only one who can no-longer do this :P
    4. adamo265

      Fixes (0.134)

      It\'s the damn credit limit :P My ship is above it :(
    5. adamo265


      I have had some issues when connecting to servers, It will begin logging in, decrpyt the server files and then just say connecting to [Server I.P]
    6. adamo265

      StarMade 0.09473: Security Fix

      Yh i discovered it couple days ago, thnx anyway
    7. adamo265

      StarMade 0.09473: Security Fix

      Yh...Turrets occasionally reset their faction back to default.Plz fix
    8. adamo265

      StarMade 0.09473: Security Fix

      I found out that it dosen\'t work in SP either...I just lost my biggest ever ship, that sucks.
    9. adamo265

      StarMade 0.09473: Security Fix

      Not sure about you but on a server i am unable to buy my ship, we think it is due to it\'s size, given that the turrets spawn an all as do like 12 power blocks. I do not think this occured before this recent patch,If you could look into this i would be grateful.
    10. adamo265

      pirates to hard

      Troll or not pirates are easy i gave them a bigger ship to make htings...difficult however they do not use missles.
    11. adamo265

      Ship model reset

      I have noticed like all would that sometimes i get an error upon says there is a critical error (I do not have right now so i cannot copy and paste) and when i play again everything i did reset...Or so i thought. All the editing i did was actually still there yet the models had...
    12. adamo265

      Pirates and pyramids

      Yeah that would be good but max credits is 2.2mill or something i have been there.
    13. adamo265

      New Launcher & Invisibug fix

      All these bugs shall i update?