Search results

    1. Zer0t3ch

      Accidentally Redeemed to the wrong Steam account

      Ok, so I bought StarMade quite a while ago (very early alpha) and I just found out you guys got on Steam, so I got in and redeemed my Steam key. Problem is, I redeemed it to my alt account. This isn't a problem per se, but I'd really prefer to have it on my primary account. Is there any way to...
    2. Zer0t3ch

      Ship breaking/seperation

      Imagine you have a 1x1 line ship (I know, not practical, but works well for this example) like this: X-----------O X = Ship Core - = Basic Hull Block O = Cockpit I propose that if the middle blocks get broken, the ship breaks into 2 seperately pilotable ships, simalarly to what was...
    3. Zer0t3ch

      My RE-Introduction

      Hey guys. My name's Zac, but you can call me Zer0t3ch or whatever. I say this is a reintroduction because I was part of the earliest wave of players, but I really messed up in life and stopped playing or being active in the community for a very long time. In fact, I think I was even one of the...
    4. Zer0t3ch

      Shop Ores

      I think that when selling ores to the shop, it should actually add blocks (non-ores) that are 150% of the corresponding ores. EXAMPLE: I sell 5 gold ores to the shop for 50c. (c being credits) The shop then cooks the ores and I can then buy gold blocks for say something like 75c. What do...
    5. Zer0t3ch

      Texturing and Modding

      Will texture packs ever be supported? If so, will texture packs that are higher definition than the default be supported by default. And because these subjects are so similar, I also want to ask this: Will modding ever be supported by yourself, because from what I understand, because of how...
    6. Zer0t3ch

      Am I the only one?

      Am I the only on who wants to see the Starship Enerprise from Next Generation (NCC-1701-D, Galaxy Class) built in StarMade? I would probably even pay money for a good blueprint of it that worked and was just as powerful as the ship in the show.
    7. Zer0t3ch

      [0.0875] Auto-Save

      As of .0875, the server will often say not responding for about 10 seconds and THEN tell us that it was about to autosave, so here's a few suggestions to help: Have the server tell the client that it is saving before saving (~5 seconds before) After recieving that message from the...
    8. Zer0t3ch


      Hey guys, what's up? I just thought I would pop on over here to introduce myself. My real name is ***REDACTED***. ***REDACTED*** for short. Feel free to call me anything but "that one douche" and I'm ok. My email is ***REDACTED*** and anyone can feel free to shoot me an email whenever they want...
    9. Zer0t3ch

      Entity Size

      I believe that players' sizes are overexaggerated, as I have to be in a very precise spot (usually perpendicular) to place any block, else it says something is blocking it. Any ideas, schema?
    10. Zer0t3ch

      Planet Crasher

      Whenever I enter a planet's "atmosphere" my game tries to crash. I managed to grab it with a JIT debugger and I got this: Unhandled exception at 0x000007f990b0a2b9 in javaw.exe: 0xC0000374: A heap has been corrupted.
    11. Zer0t3ch

      [0.875] Game Crash

      Game (singleplayer sandbox) continuously crashes after a few minutes after load. Tested on spawn screen before clicking spawn at all, and it also crashes there. I checked the log from that crash and at the end it said this: [Sep 2, 2012 12:11:21 AM] STDERR: [ERR] [CUBE] WARNING: 0 context...
    12. Zer0t3ch

      [IDEA] RAM Default

      In the RAM options window, it would be fairly easy to add a "Make this my Default" button, no?
    13. Zer0t3ch

      [LIVE] Z3R0-M4D3 ^_^

      Server is LIVE again! Feel free to hop on! Zer0M4de - What I am stupid enough to name my server IP is Feel free to hop on, just no destroying shit without a reason or fighting people that don't agree to fight you.
    14. Zer0t3ch

      Block-Placing Distance

      It seems that the distance away from a block required to place a block is only slightly less than the maximum distance away you can be, so it's really hard to build. I know this isn't necissarilly a bug, but I'm wondering what schema's take on this is. Is that on purpose or is it something that...