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    1. 1adog1

      Bug Computer - Weapon Links Moving on Game Restart

      Hi Everyone! I'm getting a strange problem where (especially on large ships), the purple links I make between weapons and their computers are moving, so when I fire the weapon it actually fires from 10-15 blocks below where any weapon modules are. The same thing is starting to happen with logic...
    2. 1adog1

      Site Error During the Buy Process

      Hey everyone! I've just tried to buy StarMade from here by clicking the Buy button. I typed in my credit card information on the registry, clicked "Purchase StarMade", and got an error saying something along the lines of: "The site has encountered an error. If you are an owner please check the...
    3. 1adog1

      Weapons do Damage to an Area Proportional to the Size of the Front of the Weapon

      Hey guys, I've got a small simple idea that would make the game just a bit more realistic looking. When you fire a larger weapon, the damage the weapon does is spread out over an area equal to the size of the front of the weapon. So say you have a cannon with a 3x3 block firing surface that does...
    4. 1adog1

      Docking Beam Only Works Once

      Hey guys, I've been playing on singleplayer lately, and I've been having this problem where once I dock a ship, I can't dock another ship until I restart the game. There's no error, and you can clearly see the blue grid when you target the docking block with your docking beam, but the ship...
    5. 1adog1

      A Couple Miscellaneous Suggestions

      Hey guys I have a couple ideas that should make things overall a bit easier. First and foremost, a proper GUI with easier to navigate menus and items. This game has progressed a ton since I started playing it about a year ago, but the starting menus haven't changed at all. Here's a couple...
    6. 1adog1

      News Doesn't Show up on the Launcher Anymore

      Hey guys, I know this is a minor issue, but I've been having it for a while now and it's really annoying having to come to the site every time an update comes out. I don't know if this was done intentionally to everyone, or if it's just my computer being weird. Anyway, is there a way to get the...
    7. 1adog1

      Working on My First Capital Ship, Any Advice?

      Hey guys, I know I'm relatively new and not incredibly well known around the forums, but I just wanted to let you all know that I'm working on a new Capital Ship that will use the new weapons added in the recent update, as well as the new FTL drive that's set to come out soon. It'll be the...
    8. 1adog1

      Sensors Anyone?

      Hey guys, I've got a neat little idea that might help better maintain larger areas of space, sensors! There would be two kinds of sensors, long range and short range. Here's some basic ideas I've come up with: Short Range: Only has a 2 km radius Activated by selecting target in navigation Can...
    9. 1adog1

      How to get High Rate of Fire Weapons in the New Update?

      Hey guys, I just got the new update, created a new universe and imported over a couple of my projects that I've been working on, but I've found that it's almost impossible to get high rates of fire in large guns (I've tested AMCs and Damage Beams so far). This is kinda understandable, but now...
    10. 1adog1

      Can we Have More Detailed Update Information?

      Hey guys, I don't know about you but I like to keep up with the development process of games I'm playing, for the sake of preparation, and so I can give feedback. I'm not even talking about a full changelog or anything, just a post on some of the larger things that are being worked on in current...
    11. 1adog1

      Rotating Weapons Change Where They Fire

      Hey guys, I'm sure this has been suggested before, but I can't find it here so I'm going to post it. Weapons should be able to shoot based on their rotation in relation to the ship. I understand turrets somewhat accomplish this, but what I'm taking about is the ability to, from the cockpit (or...
    12. 1adog1

      Creating Completely Cloaked Ships

      Hey guys, I'm here today with a bit of a tutorial on how to create a ship that can have it's cloak and radar jammer active indefinitely. There's a bit of math involved but it shouldn't be too complicated. First of all, you need to make sure your ship has the power capability to support both...
    13. 1adog1

      Getting Several Errors While Trying to Start the Game

      Hey guys, as soon as I load up my StarMade starter, version 0.1421, launcher version 9, I get this weird message saying: SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out When I try to launch single player sandbox mode, I get an error saying: DisconnectException: You have been disconnected from the...
    14. 1adog1

      Can a Dell Venue 8 Pro Run Starmade?

      Hey guys, I got a Dell Venue 8 Pro recently, and when I go to load up Starmade, it gets to 100%, crahses, and I get this JVM Crash Error on restart of the game:
    15. 1adog1

      Magnetic Docking System

      Hey guys, I'm sure every single one of you HATES the current docking system we have, so here's an idea for a new one. I propose making docking blocks act like magnets, sticking to other docking blocks that would be put on the ship. Each magnet would have a certain amount of pulling force, and...
    16. 1adog1

      More Factions and NPCs

      Hey guys, I don't know about you, but I would really like to see NPCs added, each type with their own faction like Humans, Aliens, etc. Currently, we have 2 factions, with ships and stations; Pirates, and the Trade Guild. I also propose to add NPC Stations, a different kind for each NPC, and...
    17. 1adog1

      My Idea for a Docking System

      Hey guys, I see a lot of posts around here for docking system ideas, so I decided to add my own. As we know the current docking system is... crap to say the least, so here's my idea. Since the game already has an integrated weight system for ships, why not add a magnet system for docking...
    18. 1adog1

      More Diversity Among... Well... Everthing.

      Hey guys, I've been playing this game a lot, and have noticed something that is kind of annoying. There is a HUGE lack of diversity among functional ship items like thrusters, weapons, etc. Also a lack of diversity exists among Space stations, and most of space just feels... empty. So, I, like...
    19. 1adog1

      Inventory and Shop Improvements

      Hello everyone, I've done a bit of research into the in game inventory, and I've discovered you can effectively hold every minable item in the game in one inventory, in infinite amounts, gathering at a rate of about 5 blocks a second. I've also looked into the shop...