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    1. schema

      Devblog 11th July 2017 - End Goal Document Part 1

      Greetings, citizens ~ A few months ago, we planned to release our End-Goals document but never really got around to make a public version. As announced in the previous post, this dev blog contains the 1st part of our “End Goals” document. End Goals Introduction Our “End Goals”
    2. schema

      Prerelease Up

      Hello players, a pre-release has been uploaded. Read all about it here. The dev blog will follow as soon as it's finished. Thanks for playing StarMade, - the Schine Team
    3. schema

      Head's up on the next dev blog

      Hello players, ~ the next dev blog, along with our usual update on what we are working on, will feature end goal documents for StarMade. They are going to be spread out over multiple parts. It takes a bit to transfer the format and wording from our internal documents into something presentable...
    4. schema

      Devblog 27th June 2017

      Greetings, citizens ~ Here’s what we’ve been up to: Server Performance While looking into server performance, we noticed an issue with NPC Fleet Management: something is preventing the proper clean-up of spawned fleets. This has been causing some of the larger servers to experience...
    5. schema

      Devblog 18th June 2017

      Greetings, citizens ~ We’ve added some exciting features this week, including a fill and line tool, and new rails. There’s also a new Advanced Build Mode GUI! Everything should be cleaner and much easier to access now. However, keep in mind that the layout and content is still a work in...
    6. schema

      Devblog 13th June 2017

      Greetings, citizens ~ News It’s with a heavy heart that we announce, Auburn is leaving the Schine team for new opportunities. He completed his project here and we are extremely proud of his work. We are currently working on its integration into the universe update coming later on. What are...
    7. schema

      Devblog 6th June 2017

      Hello citizens, ~ The dev blog for this week features something more on the technical side. It covers a nice feature that will be very important in going forward. Optimized Meshes With the preview of last week, which is being able to draw any subset of blocks on any structure, we want to...
    8. schema

      Devblog May 30th 2017

      Greetings, citizens ~ Here’s another weekly dev blog! What are we working on right now? In the wake of the power update, we’ve identified a few features that overlap nicely with the new power system and other ideas we’ve had for quite some time. One of these features is the ability to draw...
    9. schema

      StarMade - Devblog May 22nd 2017

      Greetings, citizens ~ Here’s another weekly devblog. What are we working on right now? We are currently finishing off a redesign of the chunk request system which will make requesting chunks over multiple entities a lot more controllable. This means that chunks close to the player can be...
    10. schema

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      Update1: Introduction Several months ago, we shared our concerns about the current power system with you, and at the same time, present a power system proposal that would tackle some if not most of the mentioned problems. We’ve received a large amount of constructive feedback since then...
    11. schema

      StarMade - Devblog May 8th 2017

      Greetings citizens, It’s been a little while since the last news update. However, we decided, that with a new flexible release schedule it would be best to do weekly news posts when possible from here on out. This is all detailed in a forum post here: StarMade Release Cycle & News Posts What...
    12. schema

      StarMade v0.199.535 - Spring Cleaning

      Hello Players, the new update has just been released containing lots of fixes making the game a lot more stable. read the full news here: StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.535 - Spring Cleaning Thank you for playing StarMade, - schema and the Schine Team
    13. schema

      Release Candidate

      Hello players, just a quick update. The current pre-build is pretty much ready to release. With to our new policy we will let it run on the test server for at least one day and optimally longer to ensure there is nothing bad in that build we didn't know about. Expect the release probably...
    14. schema

      Quick dev update

      Hello players, we are currently finalizing the new version with lots of bugfixes. There are still a few bugs that need fixing. One of them is the "Fleets losing turrets" bug, which we have almost resolved. Because it's partially fixed, it's getting harder to reproduce, but we won't release...
    15. schema

      StarMade Surprise Update

      Greetings citizens, ~ We’ve worked long and hard on this, and now we can finally reveal it. StarMade will be getting all new planets! Here is the first screenshot of the new planets: These new planets are according to our benchmarks about a million times faster to load and only take a...
    16. schema

      StarMade Pre-Release v0.199.491

      Hello players, As announced last time we are going to release pre builds from now on. This will allow us to do a lot more quality assurance. Here is the news post: StarMade News - StarMade Pre-Release 0.199.491 Thank you for playing StarMade, - schema and the Schine Team
    17. schema

      StarMade Dev Update: Spring Cleaning

      Hello players, it's spring cleaning time and we improving our workflow for better and higher quality development! read the full news here: StarMade News - StarMade Dev Update: Spring Cleaning thanks for playing StarMade, - schema and the Schine Team
    18. schema

      StarMade v0.199.459 - Major Performance Upgrade

      Hello players, a new update has been released. Read the full news here: StarMade News - StarMade v0.199.459 - Major Performance Upgrade Thanks for playing StarMade, - schema and the Schine Team
    19. schema

      Power Overhaul

      Greetings citizens, Instead of a release, we felt it necessary to address an issue that we've been discussing for a few months now. When working on some mechanic changes and additions, specifically fixing weapon balance and upgrading the AI, we kept stumbling upon fundamental problems with...
    20. schema

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Thread has been closed now. This is a proposal; we're looking for feedback on this system so that we can develop the best power system with assistance from the community. We realise that we may have overlooked some aspects of gameplay, this is why we're sharing our idea. Let's work together...