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    1. Daniel L.

      Procedural stations

      Isnt it possible that the game could have just a large library of station modules that are generated together? it would be cooler than the current stations because the shape and interior would always be different, Need an example? look up the ISS ;)
    2. Daniel L.

      Overclocking weapons

      Its a very big problem now. Weapon systems have become weak since the weapons update a long time ago, And the HP update was the nail in the coffin for most things because now a turret has to literally shred a ship before it is defeated, so basic weapons like cannons and beams that had decent...
    3. Daniel L.

      Read by Schine Command blocks (Like minecraft.)

      Exactly what you might think, only using logic. It would be a great help to server admins and mapmakers.
    4. Daniel L.

      A solution for mobile shipyards and factories

      The devs are keeping ships useless for those who want to be nomads so that stations will be encouraged, And while it is a valid point it is still unfair and unrealistic to prevent the use of shipyards or factories on mobile platforms. The solution could be to add two new types of each, The...
    5. Daniel L.

      Display Adder

      Display modules are pretty useless other than as signs, How about a logic block that will when receiving a signal it will type data onto the display, you can have several options: Clear and replace: The new text will clear the display and then type the listed text. Add to line: This will add...
    6. Daniel L.

      More stock ships

      Exactly what it said on the tin, Isanths are getting boring.
    7. Daniel L.


      IRL Currency isnt really worth much materially, A penny isnt actually 1 cent. and if the government collapsed we would all be broke because none of the money we have in banks or even cash would be worth anything. The same goes for space, we cant expect a fake money system like credits to be...
    8. Daniel L.

      Dead planets and treasure!

      It really annoys me how perfectly good planets get devoured by people with salvagers! why shouldn't the good planets be a minority? The idea being that the majority of planets should be barren and dead, devoid of flora or fauna, and its surface will be mostly rock with a few little minerals. A...
    9. Daniel L.

      Planned More AI factions

      I find the game to be very dull with nothing to fight other than pirates or trading guild if you are naughty. why cant the game have procedural factions with claimed territory and specific relations with other factions.
    10. Daniel L.

      Option for admin-warp

      I cant bear to play singleplayer because now i get the option to teleport everywhere with no option to disable it. I always end up giving in to temptation and warping out of a battle or that sort of thing. Please devs give option to disable this so i can play singleplayer! :(
    11. Daniel L.

      Improved procedural skybox

      The current procedural skybox is lacking structure and is actually kinda gross looking, There is no smooth transition between systems and no sign of whatever nebula's the skybox depicts? why not rather than depicting ugly fake nebula's please make real ones that you can fly through and see from...
    12. Daniel L.

      Food cooking

      I think that you should be able to put on ships or stations or anything a stove block with which you can combine any two different blocks (Be it cannon computers or lava) into a hopefully "edible" item. Every object would have multiple variables like: Stamina Boost, Or poison, or things like...
    13. Daniel L.

      Empty system fixes

      Why do empty systems have ambient light, and the procedural skybox, and stations? it should be empty.
    14. Daniel L.

      Armor is stronger than shields

      Something I've noticed: A ship with just 2 layers of advanced armor can take quite a pounding, I think that shields are mainly just a defensive layer, Don't take them too seriously because if you do they'll get knocked down and you will die
    15. Daniel L.

      Better transparency rendering

      When you look through glass in the game you cant see: Atmospheres, Metal Mesh, Text on a display, Sun flares, Missiles, And beams, Please fix this so we can enjoy battles from within our cockpits without having to miss seeing the flying missiles :)
    16. Daniel L.

      Ai enhanced settings

      AI ships currently don't know how far from a target to engage or fire. So you can control the maximum firing range of a ship for example: A bomber would have to get really close to its target in order to fire the missiles otherwise the AMS would shoot them down, A sniper fighter would have to...
    17. Daniel L.

      Ship computer systems

      There really isnt all that much to do inside a ship other than fly it, Why not add a computer system that you can build inside your ship to store and view information as well as maybe even play games like asteroids and space invaders (Starmade equivalents.) You would have a computer block a disk...
    18. Daniel L.

      Random planets

      It seems a shame that in a procedural universe there has to be only five planet types, Why not have a massive selection of different grayscale textures, and then colorize them with random RGB values, As well as a random sky color too,
    19. Daniel L.

      Shield regen nerf

      You know how when the shield regen of a vessel is higher than your weapons damage? Then you know that it ends up doing nothing at all, I simply think that shields should when damaged in combat require a reboot to regen, This isnt OP it just balances things out and if a big ship doesnt have the...
    20. Daniel L.

      PVP balancing weapon

      I was just thinking of a new weapon that wouldnt be all that powerful would resemble a damage pulse, Whats intersting about it is that it goes through shields, The low damage of this weapon would keep it from being abused but it could be equipped on a small ship and if that small ship gets close...