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    1. Kelpaz

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I was using the realism argument as an example to counter argue someones idea of realism. I don't even know how you could misunderstand my previous statements unless you forgot to read who I first replied to and what manner I did so.
    2. Kelpaz

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Not that realism matters in the face of game mechanics, but consider this: Imagine you have a reactor that makes no energy but produces heat when you connect systems to it that stretches my reality quite far alright.
    3. Kelpaz

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Why yes a nuclear reactor heats up water turns it into steam that drives steam turbines. That's heat being converted into a usable form of energy, but this idea revolves around a reactor that produces heat when energy is used.
    4. Kelpaz

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Why? Is it hard to understand that you must translate any idea into game mechanics that can be understood? There is also no realism in a reactor that creates only heat.
    5. Kelpaz

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Realism isn't a valid reason to change power systems, you need to think in pure game mechanics.
    6. Kelpaz

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      This topic which has divided many brings up a serious issue, which seems to be forgotten by those who welcome the change, the overhaul of power will set back development of game mechanics that have been already planned. Starmade roadmap on Trello: Trello Starmade roadmap on SMD: StarMade Active...
    7. Kelpaz

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      I have played Starmade since the early stages and sure I had to refit some systems through some of the more major updates like the weapon and rail update. I'll try to summarize some points of interest I've gathered but there might be some spots I missed to touch upon. In my opinion the current...
    8. Kelpaz

      not feeling like building atm.

      I don't think I'll be doing anything at all until I see how this turns out, frankly I think it would be better to expand other systems than to completely bork up a perfectly usable power system. What about better flight AI, NPC crews, quarters, fauna, and any other planned features that we were...
    9. Kelpaz

      not feeling like building atm.

      In WW2 most battleships were lost in Pearl harbor while sitting stationary. A carrier sitting still would get equally ripped to shreds. Today people still believe this myth that carriers are some kind of untouchable mythical beast that is superior to everything.
    10. Kelpaz

      Power Reactors + Heat + Weapons = End of Gigantism?

      Currently the problem is that everything requires too many blocks to be effective. Weapons have to have a certain size before they are even viable and that entry size in my opinion is too much. Smaller weapons you say? Have you ever fired at advanced armor with the barest of minimum weapon...
    11. Kelpaz

      It's impossible to make good figther weapons

      The term fighter can be very deceptive because it usually refers to jets. In Starmade's terms though I made the decision to re brand them into "Support Wings" and those are built at a reasonable scale, were the game mechanics work properly. I once saw a post about making cockpits around the...
    12. Kelpaz

      Remove Weapon Firing Arcs

      Titans can rely solely on turrets which makes the removal of arcs moot, infact it might be detrimental to other ship classes.
    13. Kelpaz

      Remove Weapon Firing Arcs

      Removing arcs would be useless as most anti fighter cruisers use turrets to deal with them. Instead of trying to nerf everything how about buffing ship thrust to a fun level again. Why do so many try to come up with ways to nerf larger ships "to make small ship better" That is just narrow...
    14. Kelpaz

      How the NPC update makes fuel (and money!) viable

      Adding fuel in any form would create more problems than they solve, and yet would make small ships sacrifice even more space for the fuel. Which in turn makes the minimum size for ship building even bigger while adding more to the learning curve for new players. Not to mention someone could...
    15. Kelpaz

      Allow core beam on docked entities

      I would love to see this feature again. I used to have rail docks that had buttons controlling the rails in front of the ship, and a perfect entrance that could only be entered through that same rail. I don't see why this feature was removed even.
    16. Kelpaz

      Read by Council Get Rid of Reactor Lines

      Yes it is true the rail update made us all have to rework ships and turrets, difference being that the old docking was still able to be used in the between time, technically the ships worked. Any suggestion that requires any extra space for power will likely make ships need increased volume...
    17. Kelpaz

      Read by Council Get Rid of Reactor Lines

      Firstly all I have to say against this suggestion is NO. If this change was implemented not only would it break all ships currently built but also drive away older players as they now have to refit everything. I could cause mass mayhem in the community as well. Not to mention that currently...
    18. Kelpaz

      Read by Schine Ammunition as an Alternative

      Instead of resupply from a store, storage blocks could hold ammo and restock ships as they redock to a carrier. The keyword here is alternative to power for small craft not a replacement for all ships.
    19. Kelpaz

      Massive ship limiting.

      Could people stop making these "nerf titans" posts please. The game is already designed with diminishing returns, meaning a ship gets huge trade offs the bigger you build it. I have only made a handful of smaller titans as of yet, all have their own strenght and weaknesses. The mentality of...
    20. Kelpaz

      Radarjammers, are they currently OP?

      I don't know what you consider titan but last time I tried using one on a 1,6 KM long titan, it drained all it's 1000M+ power battery. Any ship big enough to reach energy softcap in my experience is pretty easy to see with my own eyes, not to mention that the ships I build usually cannot use...