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    1. Kelpaz

      Update Armor Skins

      Maybe you should visit Texture Packs and suggest it there. Textures can be very subjective from person to person, and texture packs exists for this reason.
    2. Kelpaz

      Update Armor Skins

      I build most ships with only advanced armor. Standard armor is exclusively used for my economy class ships and smaller craft. I do like the tiling on advanced armor it makes it feel much stronger than standard armor. The tiling is also good in low light conditions because building with black...
    3. Kelpaz

      Missiles n' Torpedoes

      Valiant70 started this post by mentioning a missile buff.
    4. Kelpaz

      Missiles n' Torpedoes

      It is possible to make a missile boat with a smaller reactor because you need capacitors to store the energy for the missiles. A Cannon gunboat has to keep up with it's cannons all of the time and usually needs bigger reactors but smaller power capacity. Adding limitations to an existing...
    5. Kelpaz

      Missiles n' Torpedoes

      I just don't see any point in adding needless things like limited ammo, fuel etc. It does nothing to make the game more interesting, all it does is to make it more tedious to play. Games that has ammo for vehicles can get away with it because they also have simpler ways of regaining ammo from...
    6. Kelpaz

      Missiles n' Torpedoes

      Oh yes yet again your local neighsayer is here to tell why this is not a very good idea. A bigger ship will always be able to carry more missiles into battle than a smaller one, any benefit for having no energy requirement (or a smaller one) will be gone as a bigger ship will utilize this to...
    7. Kelpaz

      Changing swarm missiles

      I generally consider any ship with swarmers unfit for fleet combat. Static and rotating missiles turrets are much better from single to multi ship combat.
    8. Kelpaz

      Crew as a way to limit turret/drone spam, encourage warfare, and induce maintenance costs

      From my experience running a server , ships on their own don't take too much performance, not even giant ones, what does however is AI and how many entities each ship has. Background calculations also seem to bog down the server as they have to check all the factions, their territories...
    9. Kelpaz

      Crew as a way to limit turret/drone spam, encourage warfare, and induce maintenance costs

      I see the biggest problem with this idea would be keeping others from being able to start, by destroying any planets around their territory, making their faction the only viable means of crew production. Defending your own planets is one thing but all the unclaimed unprotected ones would be at...
    10. Kelpaz

      Crew as a way to limit turret/drone spam, encourage warfare, and induce maintenance costs

      This would also create a new meta called "let's blow up all the planets"
    11. Kelpaz

      Get Rid of Ship Cores

      This is from StarMade News - StarMade Ship Systems 2.0 "Information warfare Knowing where the reactors are of your opponent’s ship is quite important now and we don’t want people to just randomly shoot ships either. Going back to the old core drilling where you always knew where to shoot is not...
    12. Kelpaz

      Get Rid of Ship Cores

      From what I remember the information warfare update will help you target ship systems. Hiding the crew itself would require everyone on board to have their own jammer. The nav menu shows you crew and pilots already.
    13. Kelpaz

      Get Rid of Ship Cores

      If a pilot sits outside the core you can lock onto them with the navigation menu, no it wouldn't be harder to hit them. Turrets set to target astronauts would fire directly at the crew ignoring all docked entities as well. I would rather have the option of no core rather than complete removal.
    14. Kelpaz

      Get Rid of Ship Cores

      Pro: No core entities would be good for rail doors hatches and moving ship parts. Con: Removing cores completely would bring back the age old problem of coring again except this time the pilot inside is the one getting cored. So one step forward and one step back. Unless the pilot get...
    15. Kelpaz

      Tired of updating ships? Make them hollow.

      With the way I build I just can't build a shell I need to build in a certain order to make my ships meet my goals which goes as follows. - Appearance - Shield and power goals - Weapon systems - Turret systems Usually I combine the appearance with the ship mounted weapons, which makes building...
    16. Kelpaz

      Make bombers viable! (Balancing, and buffing small ships a bit)

      Through combat testing, I've noticed that fighters/drones are terrible at unit cohesion aka sticking together and moving around the targets. In combat smaller ships have a terrible tendency to slowly spread apart until they are in the surrounding sectors. Other horrible strategies include...
    17. Kelpaz

      Systems 2.0

      This time their idea seems way more solid from the start but they didn't explain really how docked entities will be powered. In this thread: Answers + Clarification to Ship Systems 2.0 They mention one active reactor per entity, but how do you choose which reactor to be active? What happens...
    18. Kelpaz

      Sustainable Development for StarMade (more money more programmer)

      It's actually quite easy to set up, I have a spare computer that was used for running a minecraft server that I used as my Starmade server. There's plenty tutorials available for how to set up a Starmade server too. The only part that is "hard" is port forwarding which I already had to do for...
    19. Kelpaz

      Power Reactors + Heat + Weapons = End of Gigantism?

      You sound a little hostile there calm down. Do not assume that I try to recreate any sci-fi ship as seen in series or movie, I never done that because I like to build my own designs. When I build small craft I always give them atleast a variation of weapons, a rapid fire cannon is ideal...
    20. Kelpaz

      Flexible Power System Overhaul Proposal (updated)

      In order to save time I am just going to quote myself with what I said somewhere in the great power debate. You see the reason most people disagreed is because even if the idea was less vague it will most likely halt development of already planned things.