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    1. Kelpaz

      New Power and viable shapes

      This doesn't change the fact that longer ship = more power. It's still possible to make a ship of similar overall mass outperform another by just making it a little longer than the other. The new shields might pose a problem to modular stations. Integrity was also very unstable at first...
    2. Kelpaz

      Bread Empire Fighter pack (Old Power) V0.199.654a

      This pack contains Bread Empire SW's* (Support Wings*) All ships together. Standard fighters. "Zerobouki" and "Zatlec" space mechs. Heavy gunships. Content details: SW-26 Tarkyri-F G4V2 - Interceptor SW-32 Serrato-F G3V3 - General purpose fighter SW-48 Zippy-A G4V3...
    3. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      I could perhaps upload the green ship, the "Yoghurt fighter" lol, I made it under a custom config to be a test enemy. It has fairly decent cannons with some missiles. The hull must be extended if you want to achieve 20% stabilization. maybe you could attach some on the tips of the cannons lul.
    4. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      Ok being serious now can you tell me what's wrong with my fighters in: Prerelease v0.200.250 Stabilizers hurt small ships that are short, it hurts large ships because unless built with strict dimensions you'll end up with large empty spaces, even if you have an interior.
    5. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

    6. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      Sadly no, the stabilizers in the image where put in the 50% zone, the ships are simply too short and the mech is too square. If I downsized the ships systems their weapons would barely hurt a ship of the same size, a nerf to small ships I say. Criss Please take a moment to read my post here...
    7. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      Since Lancake is head of testing and balancing you and others that are confused about stabilizer complaints take a look at this. Here are three identical ships, they are considered to be fighters. This is what they look like with stabilizers, imagine making a hull just to contain those. Here...
    8. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      The more band aids that are put onto this new system to fix "exploits" the more inclined I feel to go back to the old power and forget this all happened. Hell I could even go back to pre rail since AI worked pretty well back then albeit without the fleet mechanics. If the new mechanic is only...
    9. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      I hope these beams are going to be more interesting than "shoot this to loose power" We don't need another nerf mechanic, I hope this is this going to let us shorten stabilizer distances inside, maybe by zigzagging lines or something. It would be better than just being a new kind of nerf. We...
    10. Kelpaz

      Remove Stabilizers

      In the old system with capacity the limits of a ship would be power gen vs power capacity. You could make a trade off on a ship by having more capacity to fire high yield weapons or use alot of your power gen for shield recharge. To me this was pretty well balanced I was making some really great...
    11. Kelpaz

      Remove Stabilizers

      As I mentioned before I tried refitting your B190 it was a total failure. Even after putting the reactor the furthest back possible and making it as large as possible before I would run out of stabilizer efficiency I was left with a massive power failure. This is after reducing the weapon...
    12. Kelpaz

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      Not only have I tried refitting my own ships but I made a futile attempt at re configuring a Trade faction frigate, I posted an image of that already in a thread in the suggestions: Remove Stabilizers Thing is I was unsuccessful even after reducing all systems to almost nothing, the problem is...
    13. Kelpaz

      HowTo build a ship in the new dev build

      If you have tried making a ship in the recent dev builds you would know that you need extreme distance between the reactor and stabilizers if you want to power anything more than shields and thrusters. The new shield mechanics forces you to add more regen if you make the shield capacity over a...
    14. Kelpaz

      Remove Stabilizers

      My ships already have their interiors I don't need more of it also I can't make my smaller vessels work because I'm forced to add distance. A good example is my "space mech" that has very small dimensions, the weapons "upkeep" alone takes more power than it can support
    15. Kelpaz

      Remove Stabilizers

      The stabilizer mechanics must be removed they do nothing but force designs in very specific directions I even challanged myself to refit Criss own Trade factions frigate and even after downsizing all systems I got this: As for Islands this is a way of building I never seen done on my server or...
    16. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      Yes I have noticed this aswell, and it's bothering me because I use that camera mode to expertly park ships in space near other ships.
    17. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      Yeah, don't forget that shields take too unreasonably much power too.
    18. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      A good weapon setup is having an ION array for shields preferably beam/beam, and a can/can array for destroying armor and components, with some missiles on top for good measure. You could do this in the old system reasonably well with almost any size of ship.
    19. Kelpaz

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      I have a flagship with a massive interior, it's still very combat effective (in the old power system) With the new power systems 90% of that flagship is completely empty because I cannot use any of it. The new system only cares about extreme distances between reactors and stabilizers nothing...