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    1. Bonusinches

      Scanners and Jump Inhibitors on Stations.

      People get a bit sad when they get auto detected while spying on people's bases in cloaked ships and subsequently shot to shit I believe is the issue, which in a serious pvp environment is a valid complaint.
    2. Bonusinches

      Scanners and Jump Inhibitors on Stations.

      Yeah I know, that's why I mentioned this exact method. I wouldn't complain if I could have one on the station activated by logic either but can understand the argument for that being potentially overpowered.
    3. Bonusinches

      Scanners and Jump Inhibitors on Stations.

      Heillos was right, this doesn't work and scanners cannot be activated on a station unless built on a docked entity and manually activated. I would love to be proven wrong on this though if anyone does have a method that works.
    4. Bonusinches

      Shipyard function: Drain storage cubes

      While a desperately needed function within the game, it would be better being added as a function of any rail you can dock to rather than just the shipyard.
    5. Bonusinches

      Read by Schine Save/Load shop price list, Save/Load storage filter list

      I can't describe in words how much I agree with this suggestion.
    6. Bonusinches

      Specialty Filler Blocks

      Yeah Lecic, my point was that we already have soil and having all the varieties of dirt as well is largely redundant, unless Schema plans to add an indepth level of agronomy into the game at some stage.
    7. Bonusinches

      Specialty Filler Blocks

      No one is saying remove the dirt blocks, just that there is redundancy there and that said block id's could be repurposed, much as you described Karkinoz. This type of block would be a temporary addition to the game that could be added quite simply, be helpful for some of the playerbase while...
    8. Bonusinches

      Specialty Filler Blocks

      The game has 9 plain coloured dirt blocks including 2x blocks labelled red dirt, plus 8 blocks of assorted colours of burnt dirt blocks, as well as a block labelled soil ffs. I don't think the tired old argument of preserving block id's really applies here.
    9. Bonusinches

      Anyone got the game working on a Transformer T100?

      Yeah but that 2gb is being shared with the graphics which are inbuilt and not a card as such, whereas the specs are assuming 2gb ram just for starmade with a card that has its own ram, and that's not even taking into account the portion of ram required to run windows and other background...
    10. Bonusinches

      Anyone got the game working on a Transformer T100?

      With 2gb total ram and intel graphics sharing some of that I'd be very surprised if it could run Starmade at all.
    11. Bonusinches

      Has power generation changed?

      There's an example of docked power supplies here: Shouldn't be too hard to reverse engineer for your own design.
    12. Bonusinches

      Has single player been fixed yet?

      Exactly. Can dress up grinding for materials instead of just building in creative mode as being somewhat more rewarding somehow all you like, fact is there isn't much gameplay outside of multiplayer. SP is space minecraft without the pve challenge.
    13. Bonusinches

      Has single player been fixed yet?

      Logic miners and such hardly make for engrossing gameplay though especially when you just run them while watching tv. A few people have missed the OP's point I suspect.
    14. Bonusinches

      Has single player been fixed yet?

      Crafting is the same as it was 6 months ago, and trading is either super easy but not really entertaining or not worth doing compared to mining depending on your config settings. Pirates spawn in then sit at long range shooting at you while drifting slowly sideways and are only a challenge if...
    15. Bonusinches

      Keep Faction Homes Invincible

      Majorfatboy has a valid point, my first month playing Starmade consisted of: Join noob faction, make a starting miner, mine for a week, whole faction gets crushed by another faction with multiple 20mil shield ships and 10x our resources because we were allied to their enemies and were actually...
    16. Bonusinches

      Designer mode

      Or in the meantime build your ship next to a shop or a station with a shop module, select said station or shop and type "/shop_infinite" in the chat window, minus the "".
    17. Bonusinches

      More Variation in Mining Bonus Settings.

      Just thought I might bump this up considering the lack of asteroid respawning now. This option would add so much gameplay for such a small effort from the dev's, why not consider it?
    18. Bonusinches

      StarMade v0.19361 Flash Light, Ship Scores, On-Ship Spawning & Bugfixes

      Between different entities definitely, not sure about wireless on a single entity though.
    19. Bonusinches

      StarMade v0.19361 Flash Light, Ship Scores, On-Ship Spawning & Bugfixes

      This happened on the server I play on as well, it's not just you.
    20. Bonusinches

      StarMade v0.19361 Flash Light, Ship Scores, On-Ship Spawning & Bugfixes

      Yeah we covered this, I was wrong and it was actually missile/beam/overdrive I had setup so in fact missile/beam/explosive shouldn't be and isn't that expensive to fire in the aforementioned setup.