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    1. P

      Containers stop gathering things.

      I know its a bug, what im asking is if there is a way of stoping it like doing things in specific order or something. perhaps there is something im doing that tiggers it.
    2. P

      (Full) Solar Empire vs Calderon Republic

      which server are these wars happening on?
    3. P

      Containers stop gathering things.

      Im struggling recently with containers stopping to colledt items i ordered them to colect from other linked containers or factories. Originaly they do collect, but when i step out of ship or log out they sometimes stop, and i have to relink them again to make it work again. Any suggestions why...
    4. P

      Will game be avaible for not-steam?

      Steam is causing proplems for windows xp, cant run magicka online for example, there were also some other steam games i cant run. Steam is not supporting winxp anymore.
    5. P

      Electronic combat

      Yea, i totally looked for that sugestons subforum, and didnt see it at that time so i posted here.Some troll must have hidden it from me ;P If moderator could move it, it would be great. EDIT: move post that is. Trolls dont like being moved - they get angry.
    6. P

      Electronic combat

      IF we have non-damage combat ( electronics) one could build big electronic ship that would be specialized in disabling enemy systems, but this ship would then have no room for damaging weapons, and shields/ hulls. It would require other ships to escort it, and vice versa big damage ships would...
    7. P

      Electronic combat

      what we have are damage systems that scale with ship size making biget better. what im talking about is system independent of damage, that would be more efficient vs bigger ships, partly becouse it would be independant of enemy shields, armor, and partly becouse it would scale with enemy size.
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      Hull Hardening Effects

      let me know if these defensive systems actioly work, i've been wondering myself.
    9. P

      Electronic combat

      Hello guys, i just got a good idea how to change this " bigger is always better" effect in starmade. Its by adding electronic combat into the game. Here is how it could essentialy work. each not-hull block would add electronics ports. there would be modules for electronic defense, and...
    10. P

      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      If you can mass produce, have ai gather resourced for you or in any way get materials for 200m ship in 1 hour, noone is going to give a fuck about cubes, noone will fight for them, and noone will even bother undocking their 200m ships becouse they wont have anything to fight for. Whole point...
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      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      I think collecting materials to build 1 km ship should be work for weeks for entire faction. Building 200m alone should be possible alone in about a week.
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      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      Perhaps it would be a good idea to have ships blow up completely after being destroyed, to create resource sink.
    13. P

      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      Pirates are not limited to isanths. Im sure pirates and other Ai factions are planned to be a challenge, which means they will have bigger ships - not just isanths. And this means more parts to salvage. And secondly, i'd say getting resources for big ships SHOULD take ages. Its not good when...
    14. P

      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      The thing is noone will bother fighting for scarce resources,and crafting if finished blocks for building ships are avaible in big amounts thru salvaging pirates / stations and form shops.
    15. P

      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      So : we basically need 2 things : 1)Desired resource scarcity. 2) incentive for players to search in same place and compete in that packed place for rare things. What could be the desired thing for players to fight over, and how to bring them in same place , rather than move away form crowd.
    16. P

      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      In order to make pirates and npc factions a challenge these wil require big ships, and stations defenses are also made of blocks, which means after a fight these will provide blocks. How do you think this can be prevented? As for my idea of encouraging combat: PErhaps there could be FINITE (...
    17. P

      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      The thing with economy is that.. how do you imagine they can make resources remanded thing realy? I mean, you get everything you need to build ships from salavaging stations/ pirate ships. There is so much resources coming form 1:1 salvaging that recepes and crafting is not likely to be to-go...
    18. P

      Discussion: ways to encourage players to pvp.

      Game right now is pretty much only about building. At some point its "shooter" part has to kick in. How do you think devs ccould encourage players to undock their fancy 500m ships and start meeting somewhere outside bases and shooting eachother? How are players going to find eachother in this...
    19. P

      Will game be avaible for not-steam?

      Im talking about future releases on beta and final version, not now. Has devs mentioned anything about it? is it going to be avaible as stand-alone client?
    20. P

      Will game be avaible for not-steam?

      Thing is i will not change my operating system to just run steam, and without it i can't, so if starmade will require steam i will not play it. Can you please not make steam mandatory? Is there any info on that?