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    1. P

      About faction points.

      If someone is able to to get past your defenses and destroy everything in a ship smal enough to be perma cloaked, these are just crappy defenses, and you deserve to loose that base. PvP needs something to fight over, and bases would be good thing for that. Raiding and sacking base would be good...
    2. P

      About faction points.

      No, im reason why bases have turrets, and Ai ships defending it. There is absolutely no reason why FACTION base would not be able to defend itself form individual pirate. immunity is taking away a hudge portion of potential pvp expecience there could be in this game. If you want PvE or...
    3. P

      About faction points.

      I know what you are talking about, and its true that often not all in base is unkilable, but unkillable turrets , and no information about what is actioly killable, is enough to make make invading others bases pointless, and i think its simply wrong. Another thing i'd want to point out is that...
    4. P

      Faction problem with friendly fire

      But.. heatseaking missles can blow up your own turrets even if they are factioned dont they?
    5. P

      About faction points.

      I have a question about faction points, and would like to start discusion about these, to know what others think about the mechanic. 1) question: how big home base is planned to be maximally for a single player to remain untouchable? 2) my opinion on subject: I think there simply should NOT...
    6. P

      Pirate Spawn Mechanics

      Runing into waves of enemy battleships when you move deeper into space is a good thing. It woul;d give players incentive to have factions actioly do something together, if NPCs were hard enough to demand groups of players. And if safe zones would be small enough, it would also give economical...
    7. P

      What would you guys like to see the next update be?

      Economy improvement so that gathering resources is meaningfull, and its harder to build hudge ships with limited resources.
    8. P

      Rare items to find and trade?

      Yes, well i ment things that exist and i can rob..err.. eliberate from unrightfull owners ?
    9. P

      Rare items to find and trade?

      Will there be any rare items for players to find thru exploration and combat to encourage them to explore/ fight and trade?
    10. P

      Chain Docking?

      what is chain docking , and what is purpose of it? I tried to youtube it, but didnt find useful info.
    11. P

      Future of PvP?

      What would be the incentive for faction that is producing alot of cubes to trade them with others? What would be there for them to gain from such trade? Obvious anwer would be credits, but if they are already producing cubes they sell what are they supposed to get for that credits? When i said...
    12. P

      Future of PvP?

      Blocks are extremely easy to come by even without these loops. Big reason is that credits are so easy to get. Without ways to locate players to find it is going to be hard to get good skirmishes/pirating . The only way to find anyone to hunt down would be around their bases, and thats not very...
    13. P

      Future of PvP?

      In orver for pve to get interesting there needs to be some economical pressure to have something to strive for. When resources are practicaly infinite there is no challenge in any pve, you just build bigger gun /shields and kill pirates effortlesly. If you could not afford to build hudge...
    14. P

      Future of PvP?

      Has any devs mentioned how they plan to encourage pvp in future? Will there be any rewards for pvp, that cant be obtained in PvE? I'd love to have K/D/A stats for pvp, and some form of currency obtained in pvp exclusively, like faction points to be possible not jsut to loose but also gain by...