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    1. P

      Destroyable missiles

      I wonder if there should be a high-damage effect computer that makes weapons slow and short-ranged, ineffective against ships of a similar scale(hitting an equal target being very difficult due to more than just ROF, and not just a lucky instakill), and does more DPS. But it could be a balance...
    2. P

      New and Improved Celestial Bodies

      I like this. Very much. I would really like to see certain trends for AI factions depending on the traits of an overall area of space. More "weird/alien" traits being more common in nebulae/asteroid-heavy areas, that feel like "deep space"(fewer planets in a system, farther from more...
    3. P

      Planetary Loot

      These could be salvage computers and cannons, for multi-purpose awesomeness, and not adding unnecessary extra blocks.
    4. P

      Planned Folder for Pirate, Trading Guild, etc Ships.

      True, Schema is a master coder. :cool: What I meant, is creating a variety of situations and implementing factions with different motivations and so on, is difficult. That is probably more of implementation than coding. Do you have one fully united species for each faction? Or do you have...
    5. P

      Why are shields still broken

      Actually, only thrust. Turrets will(if designed well) have their own power because of the 1mil soft-cap, and large ships turn very slow. I wonder if you can still make docked power-gens with logic. I think you can.
    6. P

      Possible to roll while not in a ship.

      I've re-hotkeyed that to ~, because it breaks jump.
    7. P

      Planned Folder for Pirate, Trading Guild, etc Ships.

      Per-faction ships is (I think) 100% planned, but it's likely going to arrive with a whole new factions system. Factions system might be before/after fauna or intelligent fauna is implemented, seeing as how they're related. Each sentient high-tech NPC could have its own faction, and its own...
    8. P

      Epic suggestion that ties in with miners, pirates and all sorts of other roles.

      I think incoming, non-jammed ships would be pretty easy to detect, and would have some time till impact. But it would be sensors rather than scanners for that. The scanners could be used to detect if, say, an asteroid is hiding a base(larger asteroids would be nice. I want one of these, or bigger).
    9. P

      Deleting Cores

      Some people say this could be grief-abusable. I say if the enemy is in the core, it's game-over anyways. You can just fly off with the ship, hurl it into the sun if you want.
    10. P

      Suggestions: Aliens and Survival

      Some/all of this is in the Q/A. There's a text version if you don't want to spend a long time watching. Search around, it's here somewhere. Maybe Dev Q/As should be stickied in suggestions?
    11. P

      Handheld weapon modular building/customisation (Other decorative items) repost from old forum.

      EDIT/PS: Sorry, didn't get around to posting quick enough to explain. Why can't you be Iron Man? Anyway, it depends what you mean as a fighter. 50 blocks or 500 blocks? You wouldn't have a gigantic wingspan, sure, but you could be somewhat of a fighter-mech. Anything bigger than a 15 mass ship...
    12. P

      Stabilize Cloaking/Jamming

      Agreed, this makes cloaking practically unusable. Even small ships can't keep cloak up sometimes. I recall someone saying they'd lag up the server to decloak someone, and that just ain't right.
    13. P

      Shield recharge power cost

      Well, regen and capacity are separate now. So, shield upkeep should depend on actual current capacity. Shield regen could be toggled off or blocks removed, but you still have the upkeep drain regardless. Combat regen, if we have it, could be turned off if you don't want to spare the energy.
    14. P

      Make damage beam fx scale in size

      There was an interesting suggestion on this topic I found a while back. It might take a performance hit though.
    15. P

      Kupu's thread

      This reminds me of a certain block-game's mod where you could chop down trees. Then I thought: with break-off and planet gravity, we have real block-gravity!
    16. P

      Charon 2.0 - A WIP super titan [Update 5 : new medium turret]

      I really think every ship should have a version that's just a shell. Thus, it can be refitted with ease, and as a bonus nobody can use your ship against you as a doomcube would do the same thing, all depending on how they design it.
    17. P

      Missile Salvos

      I think we can already do this with strong pulse systems, actually.
    18. P

      Destroyable missiles

      We would need something to buff the missiles' effectiveness to make this balanced, ideas? IIRC, we already have an explosive effect/armor ignore for them, though I feel using this as the buff introduces problems when you want to use a different effect system such as Ion to beat shields, since it...
    19. P

      Turret AI

      Perhaps their base accuracy should be better and with less randomness, but having to lead the target at high speeds will incur some difficulty, as well as speed/direction changes of the target(from the turrets' view, so that back/forwards will do nothing if aimed at the turret). IDK if that's...
    20. P

      Adding ship-types

      Scaling, not classes.