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    1. War Dog

      Great ships

      Kind of price range are we getting here?
    2. War Dog

      how do you build ships?

      Just wing it. A good deal of my designs fail (And badly), but I get really lucky every now and then. I build the internal systems and then just coat it with hull; maybe adding a bit here and there.I try to use as little hull as possible since hull just plain sucks in terms of efficiency. My...
    3. War Dog

      A simple solution for Hull Mechanics

      Decrease the mass of all hull types to 0.1.So 10 hull = 1 mass. That way you can layer hull; For smaller ships this would improve aesthetic possibilities without burdening them and on larger ships, 10X400 hull HP > 1X30-ish shields on a mass:resilience ratio. That being said, a better repair...
    4. War Dog

      backing up world and ships?

      The Blueprint and server-database folders are the ones you want.
    5. War Dog

      Turret AI

      Is it just me or did turret AI get significantly more deadly? I have four medium turrets, drew up close to a pirate station, and they destroyed all the pirate turrets before the station even loaded.
    6. War Dog

      Respawners, Shop Modules, and Factories on ships.

      I\'ve tried hex editing the ship folders to add the aforementioned blocks to ships. The cost of the ship includes them though. For what it\'s worth: Plex Lifters don\'t work. Factories don\'t work on ships. Undeathinators DO work on ships, but they respawn you where you last used it. It does...
    7. War Dog

      Server security.

      You didn\'t turn on server authorization and use your forum login to link your game account to your forum account thus making it impossible to access without knowing your password like a sensible person would\'ve done?
    8. War Dog

      L5 Minerals

      If you didn\'t change any setting on pirate loot, checking the plexstorages in pirate stations is the easiest way to get L5 ores. Otherwise the only option is buying them from a shop or using admin commands; I\'ve never seen L5 ores occur naturally.
    9. War Dog

      Build Block & Ship Spawn "Exploits"

      Pirate loot is an option and can be increased or decreased in the server.cfg file...
    10. War Dog

      Build Block & Ship Spawn "Exploits"

      I can\'t really comment on the catalogue. Currently shops almost never respawn their inventory (And the trading guild is as useful as you\'d expect from an AI); making attempts to make anything sizeable from hardened hull require hours of going from shop to shop getting 30-60 hardened hull each...
    11. War Dog

      Star Made Multiplayer Faction Combat tactics

      ... Fighting groups as groups, but more often the engagements degrade into individual ship combat unless one force has a sizeable numberical advantage over the other. Extended engagements tend to result in one group routing and ending in a stalemate as they can run away forever until the pursuer...
    12. War Dog

      Ships function vs form

      I personally only fly giant gunboxes because it\'s efficient and cheaper... and I suck at ship design. However, I understand that half the fun of the game is design; I really don\'t see a reason to punish players who don\'t want to fly boxes. Making hull more resilient and/or lighter would...
    13. War Dog

      How do you class ships? (Corvette, Frigate, Cruiser, etc.)

      Depending on how much better it sounds. Multi-Gun Corvette Vs Multi-Gun Destroyer. It works for me.
    14. War Dog

      Side Propulsion

      The ONLY advantage smaller ships have over large ships is maneuverability (Perhaps not being a giant target too but I digress). Why take away that advantage too? If your giant ship is even TRYING to turn to hit a smaller ship, you\'re doing it wrong. We have turrets for this reason.
    15. War Dog

      Sharing ship in multiplayer?!

      It mostly depends on ship design, for example, one of my newer ship designs: Warning: It\'s a bit boxlike. In this design, the upper bridge has the main ship core; the lower bridge contains a docked ship core (With only a faction block). One person can man the...
    16. War Dog

      Custom AI Factions

      I really like this idea, but may I add a few more? 1. Each faction has a set number of \"Ships remaining\" which regenerates with time (And can be set by the admin). Perhaps make it possible for players to help them (Donating credits, etc.) 2. Players can \"invite\" that faction into an area...
    17. War Dog

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Then I withdraw my statement. I too have had problem with docked ship immunity, particularly those who have their setting at neutral=hostile so that sector is essentially closed off to me. So I support the idea of having faction-home-docked items destroyable; as long as it\'s a server setting...
    18. War Dog

      A More Realistic Thruster Scenario for Big Ships

      While I am for changing the speed problem of larger ships, namely where capital ships lolbackdash their way to victory, I don\'t think an arbitrary limit is going to solve the problem. Maybe adding more setting to speed in server.cfg may help? Ships of X-Class mass have a speed cap of 100 where...
    19. War Dog

      Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

      Boohoo the forum is filled with babies that can\'t fathom your ALMIGHTY HARDCORE PLAYSTYLE. Take it up with your server admin, the option to turn off faction home protection already exists..
    20. War Dog

      Custom Space Docking Bays

      Actually, once you have the docking block down, you should be able to change the docking outline like the setting in advanced build mode. As long as the docking enhances are physically connected to the docking block. This\'ll free up a lot more building possibilities. Particularly those for...