Search results

    1. FatCobra

      StarMade v0.199.214 Auxiliary Power, Better Graphics, Better Textures, and Bugfixes

      The way the docking mechanism works with a single point of connection this would always be a problem. If either the rail or the dock are destroyed it would release. The best way to keep this mechanic and reduce the chance of lag death would be to have a docking mechanic that allows for multiple...
    2. FatCobra

      Read by Council Pirates Don't Fire On Escape Pods

      I think pirates should fire at escape pods or capture them and enslave the occupant. Since the second would require a huge amount of work to make it possible to have a player enslaved I say let the pirates kill them. Why would they want survivors to inform authorities about what happened. If no...
    3. FatCobra

      Jump Drive Overcharge

      Have you tried the chain drives? I have noticed that you don't stay in place long enough to take star damage. I'm not sure its the mass that causes the problem or the fact that the jump drive system has been hit. To me it would make sense that if a jump drive collective takes damage it would...
    4. FatCobra

      StarMade v0.199.214 Auxiliary Power, Better Graphics, Better Textures, and Bugfixes

      Actually coal dust explosions are devastating. Coal dust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    5. FatCobra

      Wings and Squadrons

      I think this would be a great idea.
    6. FatCobra

      StarMade Hotfix v0.199.159 Asteroid Resources fix

      Basic factory
    7. FatCobra

      Greater incentive to harvest derelicts

      I completely agree with this. I do think it should be two settings though one for pirates and one for derelicts. IMHO pirate stations should be higher by default. While I agree they might not follow through on maintenance as much as a more organized structured faction that controls the station...
    8. FatCobra

      Additional display block formatting style (Text offset) and logic input

      I very much like this idea. Right now the method of "floating" text is more of a bug than a feature.
    9. FatCobra

      It's time for Starmade to implement what it has always needed!

      What happens if you loose power? How would you move about with out ladders/ If nothing else it would be great RP. What about using it on a ventral or dorsal airlock?
    10. FatCobra

      My Display Block Wishlist

      Yup, I'm doing this a lot now. I think it would be nice if was intentional and more controllable than the bug it is now.
    11. FatCobra

      My Display Block Wishlist

      I would love the ability to add pictures. It would be nice if we could offset them left right or forward to hide the display block and still show the picture. This would be great for adding names to hulls.
    12. FatCobra

      Editable Blueprint Name

      I like this idea. I have fat fingers and mistype names for blueprints. Usually I notice this right after I hit enter. It would be nice to be able to modify the name rather than have to delete and re create.
    13. FatCobra

      Pickup Rail Improvements

      True but it was the only one I could find. I know I've seen barrel-rolls right after a catapult launch I just wan;t able to find it. Again its just for a coolness factor.
    14. FatCobra

      Pickup Rail Improvements

      Why, the coolness factor. While its a land take off it is cool:
    15. FatCobra

      Pickup Rail Improvements

      Can docked entities transfer between entities on rails? If so then yes this would work. But if not and the rail system is anything but a straight shot it could collide with the rest of the ship. For example if a ship has a single docking port and the drones/fighters get dispersed into multiple...
    16. FatCobra

      Pickup Rail Improvements

      I'm thinking a barrel-roll.
    17. FatCobra

      Pickup Rail Improvements

      I would like to see a "roll" rail so that when fighters are taking off they can roll while speeding up.
    18. FatCobra

      Turn ship systems into [modules] instead of [# of blocks] - fighting giganticism

      I think the concept would be some sort of multi-block structure to make a reactor similar to "Big Reactors" from Minecraft.
    19. FatCobra

      for the next competition please consider

      I have no sympathy for anyone that didn't get the submission on time. This has been going on for months. If you have to wait for last second to submit you are either procrastinating or waiting for shock value. Either way if you miss you miss.
    20. FatCobra

      Read by Council More Logic Gates: NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, PULSE

      I know this has been suggested many times before but YES PLEASE GIVE THIS TO US.