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    1. TheOmega

      Thrust update is coming!+My observations [Dev Build 0.19525]

      What if you also had to allocate a percentage of your ships power generation to thrust as well as having a full 6-directional system + rotation. That could lead to racing ships, and a system to passively buff shields besides ion passive, and weapons without overdrive. This would also lead to...
    2. TheOmega

      USD 2.0 (Better for magnetic docking!)

      Thing is, I had to move the docker down a block to make it more reliable. The problem is when the docker and basic are flush, it is literally impossible to make them touch without moving fast enough to cause a collision that glitches part of the way through the block. If I didn't move it down a...
    3. TheOmega

      Stealth Revamp (Phase)

      I think in light or recent updates, and people complaining about broken stealth and power generation, this needs a bump.
    4. TheOmega

      USD 2.0 (Better for magnetic docking!)

      Because... eh... it would have to be docked to the rail, then docked to another ship. I don't think that's possible, we have already tested docking a station to a ship. Probably a similar problem.
    5. TheOmega

      USD 2.0 (Better for magnetic docking!)

      This is my personal update of the Universal Standardized Docking system, made to work with the rails update. It's still a little screwy, because you cant really dock two ships if the docker and the rail either: A: "Touch" the other ships docker and rail, sometimes leading to the ship you are...
    6. TheOmega

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      OHMYGOD SO HYPE MUCH HYPE HYPEHYPEHYPE Reasons for hype include: "Magnetic" docking! Cargo! UNLIMITED INVENTORY SLOTS!! "MAGNETIC" FREAKING DOCKING!! Power cap increased! (could do better, fix stealth please! Its kindof borked right now.) AND MANY MORE!
    7. TheOmega

      Nova Fleet Dynamics - Building a better future today! (Nest of Orion faction)

      It's more magical when he doesn't know, obviously.
    8. TheOmega

      Nova Fleet Dynamics - Building a better future today! (Nest of Orion faction)

      I like this guy. DEB GET OVAH HER NAO
    9. TheOmega

      Round Planets

    10. TheOmega


      I don't check the forums for ONE DAY.
    11. TheOmega

      Docking beam comes from camera

      Seems like a good temporary fix until magnetic docking.
    12. TheOmega

      Read by Schine Fleets and what could be used to control them

      You would still get to pilot your ship, just battles would be bigger and more fun. You should also have then jump with you to move in for battle.
    13. TheOmega

      Read by Schine Factions redesign.

      The permission levels already work....?
    14. TheOmega

      Faction balls!

      And how did Eurocorp get back here?
    15. TheOmega

      Help on Engine Configuration

      I would say go even more and extend the third configuration to have 6 pods, but besides that, the diagonal ones.
    16. TheOmega

      Read by Schine Fleets and what could be used to control them

      There is a game called Starsector (awesome game btw) that handles this well. You can click to select a ship or use a markerbox or shift click to select multiple. You can then tell the ships you selected to travel to a waypoint (requires more specific coordinate system), escort a ship (keeps same...
    17. TheOmega

      Power Generators/Cooling System

      Its too complicated. Make it simpler, or find a way to change the current system a little bit, find a new equation or something.
    18. TheOmega

      Power Generators/Cooling System

      When suggesting, think about the new players. Especially when its something so staple as power generation. If a new player can't build a working ship, they won't play the game.
    19. TheOmega

      Maximizing energy production for a given volume

      The problem lies in the game code, my friend. The more reactor groups your ship has, the less power they each produce. If this has been changed to be more logical, I'll be off to build a permacloaking titan.
    20. TheOmega

      Hardpoints and planet improvements.

      Hardpoints? Yes. Planets? No. The deal isnt so much rendering as it is storage. If you were to build on a planet, You would have to save all the blocks associated with the entity, then regenerate the model. Hardpoints however, that is an insanely good idea, but I think it can be added via the...