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    1. Izikiel

      Damage Control Block

      I quite like this idea...and it seems like it wouldn\'t be too difficult to implement.
    2. Izikiel


      I do like most of these ideas, but not the space mists and dust. It would just kind of make things over-complicated. The nebula would be cool, though. Add in better pirate A.I. and more complex planets and stations, and you get a massive improvement to the single player game.
    3. Izikiel

      Farmer Spud's Ship Farm

      World of Tanks!?! SHAME ON YOU.
    4. Izikiel

      Starmade ULTIMATE SHIP NAME COLLECTION! -Not for the faint of heart-

      ...Was mine not worthy or something? :(
    5. Izikiel

      New Years News

      Wait, this, combined with the player model, and processing improvements (and anything I\'ve forgotten)? ... I\'ve got to ask, is schema really one person?
    6. Izikiel

      Soz, I accidentally an overhaul.

      While I like most of these ideas, there\'s also some ideas that I would rather not have in the game. The improved ship destruction mechanic, is of course, a desirable thing. Also, the \"aftermath can easily be folded into this one. I would prefer that everything didn\'t just collapse into one...
    7. Izikiel


      From my understanding, it would be like a team of invisible machines constructing your ship using the blueprint, block by block.
    8. Izikiel

      Server Startup Issues

      I\'ve tried this, and it allows a LAN world, but I haven\'t tried adding anyone else to it. Just join the game at loaclhost:4242, and your player name will pop up there. Your IP address will also be required for anyone else to join. Beyond that, no clue.
    9. Izikiel

      debris left from a damaged or destroyed ship

      So, I guess this suggestion should be changed from \"can we have debris from ship destruction\" to \"can we please fix it?\" Still, it\'s good to know that it is there, and thanks for the location of the setting.
    10. Izikiel

      debris left from a damaged or destroyed ship

      I saw that someone said that you could already do it, but could not find it at all. And he also said that it was \"buggy as hell.\" If you guys would mind directing me on how to find and activate this feature, that would be great. Also, do the pieces that are broken off stay? Or are they temporary?
    11. Izikiel

      debris left from a damaged or destroyed ship

      But in order for the ship to die, the core has to explode! So how can the core become an asteroid? This idea... I want it. I would love to kill a huge ship, then watch it break apart. Huge battles would leave behind a graveyard for all to see (or salvage). Definitely would strain the current...
    12. Izikiel


      But, you can already do that... It doesn\'t take a whole lot, just put some colored blocks on your ship, get some people together, and play!
    13. Izikiel

      More Weapons

      While I do like a number of those wepons, wouldn\'t the first thing to do be to refine and perfect the current weapons? I was going to post that link, you you were there first. XD
    14. Izikiel


      I only just saw this idea, but while I would hate having to put blocks into the shipyard (while I know factories become a necessity, I also hate them), the shipyard itself would be amazing (still rather have a money purchase system). Perhaps you build it, then activate the thing, finally the...
    15. Izikiel

      The Suggestion to Rule them All

      This is an interesting suggestion, but I don\'t see how that would make it more epic. You would still only kill one block with a death laser, even if the laser IS your ship. The secondary cores is an interesting idea, but I dislike both the fact that they would vanish after blocks become...
    16. Izikiel

      The Ship Name Idea Thread

      I tend to use virtue words as naming conventions, but I only have one large ship right now: The Implacable. It becomes more intimidating if you know what it means.
    17. Izikiel

      The Bundle - Design, Weapons, Armors, Block positioning, AI, etc

      I do like those ideas, but the cannons and armour systems are a little iffy. This idea is still the one I prefer (you will have to search for the armour idea, but it is in there. They also talk about missile changes.
    18. Izikiel

      Shipcore death shouldn't = player death

      Having the ship\'s death be an explosion would be would be pretty entertaining, and a lot more satisfying than the ship just vanishing. Also, it would make the bigger ships more of a strategical target, as it would cause them to be a massive bomb in the middle of their own fleet!
    19. Izikiel

      Space battles should be more epic

      This seems like the current controversy, so I will use a historical reference. WW2 carriers vs. battleships. Need I say more? Even in the modern era, I would still back a carrier rather than a battleship or any other combat ship. Right now, sure it\'s not as practical. However, if it became...
    20. Izikiel

      FUEL - Glorious fuel

      Hm, while this would be a little irritating, there are some elements of it that are appealing. For instance, wouldn\'t fuel explode? That would make it necessary to create a protected reactor, and provide another target besides the core. Definitely entertaining to watch a huge capital ship have...