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    1. Izikiel

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      It's impressive, I know that I definitely can't hope to make a video even half that good.
    2. Izikiel

      Suggestion for pirate ship use.

      Pretty good idea. lol, if there was a faction vs. faction battle, then one of those drops in right in the middle...XD
    3. Izikiel

      StarMade 0.14 RELEASE

      Schema, this is jaw-dropping. And to think, it\'s only version 0.14..... 0.o
    4. Izikiel

      Need help filling an Asteroid...

      OR, you could create the most ridiculous mine in the world, and fill it completely with disnitengrators. If I remember correctly, they explode when shot now? You would probably have to do it by hand, though.
    5. Izikiel

      The Amazing Fleet Block

      Perhaps, a function can be made that allows you to cut your \"fleet\" loose and to act individually upon A.I. That way, your convoy isn\'t just defenseless loot. You would have to regather the ships afterwards, but it would at least allow you to respond to threats.
    6. Izikiel

      Prebuild NPCs

      Unless the ship actually blows up...
    7. Izikiel

      Changes to Weapons, Shields, Cloaking, Jamming and Armor for balance and improved playability

      I have to say, this is an interesting post. While this does open up a number of additional options to use when building ships, it would also take quite a lot of time and effort to code (and while detailed, it just doesn\'t seem as...satisfying, I guess). Weapon aesthetics are also mentioned in...
    8. Izikiel

      Missiles damaging personnel inside the ship

      Still should be fixed, though. Hopefully in a later update?
    9. Izikiel

      Master and Slave System should eventually expand to other systems.

      Just a slightly serious thought, salvage cannons +shields. XD I\'m pretty sure it would be abused (unless the shield strength was heavily nerfed or something). Nope, still be abused, lol.
    10. Izikiel

      Lazarus Imperium- Fidem et Regimine : Faith and Government (now accepting public applicants, apply t

      Username: Izikiel Requested Class: Engineer Why I want to join: Experience is important, and well established factions have skills to pass along to members. Short information about me: I enjoy strategy, space transport and military technology, and thermite. What else would I need?
    11. Izikiel

      Pirate invasions and Homebase Vulnerabilities

      This idea would also encourage player vs. player boarding actions, as a titan could be killed (eventually) by a team of players on the inside. Especially if there was a way for them to open up a hole in the enemy so they could infiltrate it. Definitely should be implemented. Neon, I like those...
    12. Izikiel

      Booster thrusters

      Wait, could these things act like emergency boosters, knocking a large ship out the path of a projectile? Cause I would love that.
    13. Izikiel

      Planetary War

      These ideas sound good. It would be cool to actually need planets, the only problem would be that raiding a homebase isn\'t effective. Hm, can that system be turned off on a server, to promote warfare?
    14. Izikiel

      Ever had one of those moments in chat where you were just like "things happened and then happiness o

      That is quite a lot of chat. It was entertaining to see just how random people could be. And of course,to sum up the chat:
    15. Izikiel

      The Lazaran Intrigue: A StarMade fiction (another new section!)

      Pretty good stuff. Keep it up!
    16. Izikiel

      DSC-304 class "U.S.A.F ODYSSEY" Updated!!!

      Dear god... Good job building this, looks amazing. Far better than pretty much any other ship I\'ve seen!
    17. Izikiel

      I have found the answer to the Big ship vs. Small ship Debate!

      Sure I read it. However, turrets alone will not eliminate all fighter oposition. They might thin enemy numbers, but there will be enough that get through to damage your titan, even if it is well-piloted. Even worse, what if all those small craft were equipped with JAMMERS!!! Fighters would pick...
    18. Izikiel

      I have found the answer to the Big ship vs. Small ship Debate!

      This is why most larger ships would often use a number of fighters for point defense. That way, they could do something except pray that the gun batteries hit the enemy fighters. Same as in WW2. Triple-A batteries, while they help, are not the most efficient solution to countering enemy air...
    19. Izikiel

      The comprehensive StarMade suggestion

      I...want...this... One of the most(if not the most) well thought out suggestion (and it effects nearly everything, making this even more impressive). I\'m not sure about some suggestions, but others, (especially the A.I.) are awesome.