Search results

    1. Seoson

      Bug Inappropriate Ads for mobile browsers

      Oh well. I didn't watch out for any misconceptions when I wrote the title. Maybe I should have chosen it a bit more carefully. However it does what it is supposed to do.:D
    2. Seoson

      Bug Inappropriate Ads for mobile browsers

      Hello folks, while browseing the forums (starmadedock) with Firefox mobile I noticed that the ads are not scaling correctly with the device's viewport. I'm using an adblocker to prevent the site from doing so for now, since it's not only an issue on aesthetics, but also a question of download...
    3. Seoson

      Disintegrators (un-nerfing)

      While they were doing weapon balancing I already pointed out that disintegrators are underpowered. Calbiri didn't want to change that,but I don't know exactly why. Back than I wanted to create a self destruct mechanism that would trigger as soon as somebody unauthorized enters my core room. I...
    4. Seoson


    5. Seoson

      Starmade won't start

      As explained by Zyrr, the game is maybe loading with the incorrect graphics card. Please make sure that you've updated your onboard graphics card driver as well. Intel cards are known to cause problems with starmade. Make sure that you're not running in any kind of power saving mode as well. I...
    6. Seoson

      Docking Beam Inconsistency

      The docking beam is only meant to be used for docking. It allows you to open PlexDoors, because hangars are very often protected by them to stop strangers from entering your station / ship. I don't know why Schema decided to ouput an error when pointing the docking deam towards a ship core. You...
    7. Seoson

      Bug World does not render in 0.1616

      O.K. did you know from which version you updated to the lastest and have you got a copy of your old client files? If so I will provide you with a link where you can upload your old folder if you want and I will try to dig into further into the issue, since this sounds like a problem with the...
    8. Seoson

      Bug World does not render in 0.1616

      Mhh. Currently there is no issue regarding this bug on the bug tracker. Could you please post your hardware specs? I will open a ticket than or you can do so your self on if you want. Unfortunately I'm currently unable to reproduce the issue. Users with the same...
    9. Seoson

      Bug World does not render in 0.1616

      I had similar issues when I updated my world from an older version. Have you tried creating a new one just for testing? Back than I thought that my savegame was corrupted. Maybe there is a greater problem than I thought in the first place. Best regards Seoson
    10. Seoson

      how to lower the amount of pirates

      As for now this is not possible. However you can add single cores to the blueprint catalog and enable enemy spawning. That would make pirates easier to fight. //EDIT Yep increasing SIMULATION_SPAWN_DELAY in your server.cfg will at least reduce the frequency. However waves will be as strong as...
    11. Seoson

      Database Failure - Rollback

      tracert webtm Location found! 2133, 2913, -21347 dispatch_fleet 2133, 2913, -21347 Fleet dispatched! mod_relation Seoson webtm enemy Just kidding. Something similar happened to our root server a few years ago. Lost progress of 2 months on one of our game servers, because somebody was to lazy to...
    12. Seoson

      Salvage Beams very slow with v0.15

      Combine Salvage Beams with AMCs(could be Pulse as well, but I think AMC is correct). That should do the trick. Please note that salvage beams have an issue when combined with a secondary system at the moment. Build both system separately and combine them afterwards (otherwise your game will...
    13. Seoson

      Planetary Loot

      Yes indeed. Planets are a bit boring at the moment, there are players that told me they are avoiding them completely due to performance reasons. I personally expect changes here in late alpha or beta state since getting more basic things to work is more important. I really like the idea of...
    14. Seoson

      Will game be avaible for not-steam?

      Apart from that Steam is available for all major operating systems (well there is no version for FreeBSD). I'm relatively sure that you can continue to use a "standalone" version of SM when the Steamversion get's launched.
    15. Seoson

      Bigger Planets

      Yes, but it's buggy and takes ages to generate.
    16. Seoson

      Bigger Planets

      Since there is currently a bug with generation of small planets, there is a good chance that planet size will increase with one of the coming updates. For now the hard drive space is not so much of a problem (servers have lots of space), however CPU usage is. Currently planet/terrain generation...
    17. Seoson

      PlexUndeathinator and Borderlands.

      Unless released into public domain everything is copyrighted (few exceptions - not going to discuss them here). Most companies tolerate minor copyright infringements, because they promote their product. You also have to take a look at country specific laws. There is "fair use" in the U.S. for...
    18. Seoson

      0.152 Many shields lagg still not fixed

      Because there is more data attached to these active blocks. And they are animated as well. I will give it a try later on and report back here.
    19. Seoson

      Server Rejected: Authentication Problem (Solved)

      There was an issue with the DNS Server tonight. It was already fixed, however you local DNS Server maybe didn't update caches in time. Next time try using for example Googles DNS Servers for testing ( ;
    20. Seoson

      PlexUndeathinator and Borderlands.

      They cannot be used due to copyright infringements. However implementing any sort of text or vocal is possible (at least in theory).