Search results

    1. Ithirahad

      The Aethi Imperium //Now recruiting!\\

      Accepted but on hold, Fiend. The faction returns sometime around June 1st, if all goes well. I'll PM you when that happens. (I will also post here again and update the topic post, so you'll be notified.)
    2. Ithirahad

      New Health System Idea (to make it work)

      Yeah, Robocraft's damage/death system is good, IMO. Only thing is, here, instead of "Electroplates," we have shields and can also perhaps have some form of second shield based on armour amount - basically structural integrity. People seem highly opposed to the latter concept, but IDK why... If...
    3. Ithirahad

      New Health System Idea (to make it work)

      ...Only thing is, we don't know how far they're gonna go. The core is no longer the center of mass and rotation, and the new HP system will make core-drilling no longer the only meaningful tactic in combat, but beyond that we have no idea what's gonna happen.
    4. Ithirahad

      New Health System Idea (to make it work)

      Schemaball and all the other Schineballs seem to be doing this sort of thing as we speak...
    5. Ithirahad

      New Health System Idea (to make it work)

      I would recommend that you wait and see how the system is initially implemented before trying to suggest ways to change it... Also, these ideas seem kind of... strange. I agree that we should have a cockpit/chair block to fly ships, but the other stuff seems a little weird and largely...
    6. Ithirahad

      Urgent blocks balance by mass

      What if it was the other way around? Advanced armour, blast doors, and all systems > standard armour, weapon computers > hull, decorative blocks, etc.
    7. Ithirahad

      Solutons to discourage gigantism?

      Oh, you mean a GAME called From the Depths? I had no idea that that's what you meant... I thought it was some obscure reference to time. Like, "Since the depths of ancient history, I've been saying..."
    8. Ithirahad

      We came here to kick butt and chew isaar bark. And we're all out of isaar trees.

      We came here to kick butt and chew isaar bark. And we're all out of isaar trees.
    9. Ithirahad

      Alien bugs from outer space.

      Ooh, so we'll be getting new shinies soon? Please tell me that things like the healing beam and marker tool are getting new models soonish as well...
    10. Ithirahad

      A solution to almost non-existant faction warfare.

      Hey look, you just repeated keptick 's idea.
    11. Ithirahad

      Negative Review: Mikelands AUS Server - My Experience

      That's a pretty damn sweet cloak ship, by the way.
    12. Ithirahad -Empire based PvP-US hosted

      SS DOES, however, have rules against doomcubes, if memory serves. And evidently, that server seems to tend towards more interesting ships than giant flying fridges anyway.
    13. Ithirahad

      Read by Council Ship Weapon Aim Rework

      I suppose we can keep the tracking, but only change the targeting so that you can only target-track and aim within a small area (Like the current targeting circle for missiles).
    14. Ithirahad -Empire based PvP-US hosted

      Yeah... if I didn't intend to reboot my faction on Shattered Skies I'd just join this server... As it happens I'll have to just go ahead and play on both. If something like this server could be set up except with player factions rather than established ones I'd happily jump on there.
    15. Ithirahad

      Read by Council Ship Weapon Aim Rework

      Well, considering everything but (and possibly including) missiles seems to be an energy weapon, having some kind of magnetic deflection prism thing that deflects things is understandable. Gameplay-wise, though, it's bad, so yeah... I agree fully with this suggestion. Only problem is that...
    16. Ithirahad

      Planned Two-Stage Launcher is EVIL! RAWR!

      DukeofRealms, mark this as planned then?
    17. Ithirahad

      Gigantism - Why build better when you can build bigger

      It would also help if charging and using jump drive nullified shields... That way, running away and using jump drive isn't always such a great idea. (Cloaking could do the same, but that's another issue.)
    18. Ithirahad -Empire based PvP-US hosted

      I live in Florida, so hosting in Florida would be amazing :p Also, I can't wait to see how your method of balancing works out... It looks good enough on paper. And as for the reinforcements, the idea is that you would 'charge' the station with FPs. You would lose them and they would remain in...
    19. Ithirahad

      Brainstorm This Perfect turning system - no half-assed solution

      Over a year ago... You mean, with only AMCs and no multi-group penalty? This is a very different game now weapons-wise... Data that old isn't exactly reliable.
    20. Ithirahad

      activate the force!! *cough* field *cough*

      Back when rail dockers were first being texted and removal didn't work properly, removing a rail docker and replacing it with something else would put that thing on the hotbar, with potentially amusing results... Yhole on the hotbar anyone?