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    1. SgtFlexxx

      Headbob and sounds

      This is a small suggestion, but I think they should add some headbob while you're affected by gravity as well as footstep sounds for the surface you're stepping on. It's small, but it definetly makes you feel like you're not just floating everywhere. I noticed the difference especially after...
    2. SgtFlexxx

      Rename shops to: Shop alpha, beta, gamma, etc

      I think there should be a different system for this though, but more combinations to it. There should be different Prefixes and Suffixes and such to give a wider variety of names, or just do ID\'s or something along those lines so we know exactly what shop we\'re at.
    3. SgtFlexxx


      I like the concept, and me and some friends were talking about being able to warp around, and this would be a really nice suggestion. But as some people have mentioned, if they did get to this, it would definetly cause some performance issues. IMO, it should basically have a timer connected to...
    4. SgtFlexxx

      More Complex Ship Battles

      Right now, I think it's way to simple to take down a ship. Even as massive ships fire at each other, they always concentrate on the same thing: Each other's Core. So I think that we should have a more complex fighting system. First off, I think it's a given that they're implementing some sort of...
    5. SgtFlexxx


      Right now, all you can do is assign 1 type of weapon to a specific weapon controller, but we should have a \"Grouper Block\" per se that you can assign weapon controllers to.
    6. SgtFlexxx


      I like the idea, right now planets are common, but small, only 1 sided (that is actually worth building on), and useless. I think that planets should become less common in a solar system, but be a lot more detailed in what they have to offer, be a lot bigger and actually 2 sided or spherical...
    7. SgtFlexxx

      Any advice for Beginners?

      I don\'t get how to avoid pirates by cloaking though, you can get cloaking but the pirates start chasing me before I even see their markers, and when I try to cloak away, it only lasts about 5 seconds maximum, and then they start chasing me again, I can outrun them (after about 10 mins) to the...
    8. SgtFlexxx

      Any advice for Beginners?

      So I just heard about this game yesterday and I love the concept, but im not sure what to do exactly. I know what most ship blocks do and what purpose they serve and all... Im wondering how most of you started off, the biggest problem I have is that I'll build a ship, waste some of my credits...