More Complex Ship Battles

    Feb 14, 2014
    Reaction score
    Right now, I think it's way to simple to take down a ship. Even as massive ships fire at each other, they always concentrate on the same thing: Each other's Core. So I think that we should have a more complex fighting system. First off, I think it's a given that they're implementing some sort of oxygen system at some point (my friends said they saw it somewhere). I think that there shouldn't always be a marker highlighted right over the core. I think players need something else to concentrate on, and we need a more dynamic HP system. Right now, Giant Frigates can simply be taken down if they just have hulls surrounding their core, because any gun can punch through that within a matter of seconds. The only real challenge is punching through people's shields.

    I wish I could explain this better, but I think I'll go with a list so it's easier to comprehend:

    -More Complex HP System, not always based on whether your core was overheated or not, but instead the mass of your ship.

    -Shield-Punching Weaponry - For all I know this is in the game already, as I have yet to use every weapon, but I think there should be some sort of weaponry designed specifically to power-punch shields, but do virtually no damage to hulls whatsoever, but costs lots of energy

    -Make Shields less of a main thing on ships. Right now that's all I see is HUNDREDS of shield generators on ships. Instead there should be hulls that are harder to punch through, and maybe some sort of block that attempts to restore blocks on a ship to sustain more damage.

    -More things to Concentrate on - I'm going to be completely honest, I played FTL one time in a day, and it was awesome in my experience, and I think this game has the potential to integrate some of that complexity in this game. Oxygen systems, Monitoring Systems (So you can't see what your shields are at or anything for example, Thrusters should be controlled by some sort of system as well so people have the ability to disable each other's thrusters

    -A system to see where other player's components are located, so Frigates for example would probably concentrate on taking this system out first to disable their knowledge of their ship's components

    -Important Blocks like weapon controllers shouldn't be destroyed upon being shot, but simply damaged, and have a timer before it overheats and blows up.

    I think most of this stuff would change up ship combat a lot in this game and make it a lot more invigorating.

    EDIT: I think shields should be a sort of oval as well around your shield when projectiles hit, so they act like a true shield and can't hit any concave spots where players may be sitting, but will flicker and turn red as the shields near depletion, and can hit truly hit the ship itself after that.

    As such, you would see here.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I think we should just reduce shield regeneration and fire rate both by a factor of 5. Then blocks won\'t get killed that fast and you can turn your other side toward the enemy.

    I would also appreciate a change where each ship as big as 4* your mass, at distance (size-difference *8) gives you 0% speed !offset!.

    A ship 16* your mass and at 0 distance gives you maybe 50% speed !offset!.

    Offsets let you move faster - you fly relative to the ship and not relative to the sector. Good for fighters trying to skirm a high-speed titan.