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    1. Raiben

      Thoughts about the recent trailers and equalty between shipbuilders.

      I am only going to speak for myself here, I admit I've seen Admins on MF act like idiots, however we try out best not to do that. If you are doing a ship review lineup and you see the 8th brick show up, and you are there focused on aesthetic, and everyone knows that's what the review is about...
    2. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      I plan to cover interiors next, so I'll certainly get to it. I'm thinking I'll do individual room types as "Quick Tips" Videos, or perhaps start a new series for them, but yeah, I'll definitely cover it!
    3. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      Thought I might put this here, It's a pretty simple trick, but it's pretty helpful:
    4. Raiben

      EFSF Acula Rc5

      EFSF Acula Release! Features: 4 swarmer pods 1 hulk missile 500k Shields Scanner system 2 Warp Drives
    5. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      I actually try to cover this exact thing in my ship reviews, I try to talk directly with a builder and tell them what they've done well and what they could improve. It is, however, not just for them, its for me, as well as everyone else. By looking at those you can figure out what they did and...
    6. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      Next episode is out, sorry that it's a little rambly.. Ep3-Vertical Ships
    7. Raiben

      Holy crap, that was unexpected, Thanks mate!

      Holy crap, that was unexpected, Thanks mate!
    8. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      I'll cover turrets soon :) I'll admit, I do turrets.. strangely
    9. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      This "rule" does not apply to all ships. Just ships of a certain style, however I figured I would make this video to show how it can be used to proportion you ship better in some cases.
    10. Raiben

      Gundam Sandrock :)

      Gundam Sandrock :)
    11. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      Updated the post to include suggestions. If there is something you want to see me cover, feel free to post it as a comment!
    12. Raiben

      Raiben's School of Design

      So, I've been a big advocate of building pretty ships, and started a series on tips and tricks to help people toward that goal. Typically, these are just rules of thumb and little tips/tricks. I hope this helps some of you out there, and takes your shipbuilding to a new level! If you have any...
    13. Raiben

      Builders Challenge Ep1, post your results as well!

      Get your pics in soon, Sunday will be the day I record and upload the video on this :)
    14. Raiben

      EFSF Eudora RC1

      First Builders Challenge ship! Check out the thread here:
    15. Raiben

      Builders Challenge Ep1, post your results as well!

      Rules: pick a ship from the picture: You have 1 hour from start to finish, build as much as you can and make it pretty, it needs to be able to move under it's own power and have a single recharger for shields at least...
    16. Raiben

      EFSF Lakona Repair Drone RC1

      The EFSF is proud to announce it's new repair drone for civilian use! It features a heavy, power stable repair array for fixing up your ships when they get a bit scuffed up :) Small and meant to go with the Demeter series of ships (still looking for a ship collection name). It is the logical...
    17. Raiben

      EFSF Argus RC4

      The EFSF is proud to present their main line battleship specialized in anti-fighter defense. Originally designed to protect fighters and frigates as they launched from the Athena and Arcana class carriers, it is now known as a terror in its own right. This version is an older model, being...
    18. Raiben

      EFSF Demeter - Fixed logic, weapons, and turrets. Slight updates here and there beyond that

      Did testing, and completely redid the systems to ensure logic and linking connections, please tell me if you have any more bugs!
    19. Raiben

      EFSF Demeter - Fixed unlinking bug

      Unlinking bug should be fixed.
    20. Raiben

      EFSF DreamCatcher Jump Ring RC2

      EFSF DreamCatcher Jump Ring. Designed originally for the EFSF Demeter, but can be used for any ship fitting the docking area, to enter simply dock and hit the down arrow until you enter the jump ring. Jump, fly around find where you want to be, and reverse the process! Comes with 2 AMS...