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    1. ltmauve

      We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships.

      Well, since you aren't doing canon borg, you can do whatever you want. The white rim on the black hull would be ideal for visual location of the bay for the fighters.
    2. ltmauve

      What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

      I know that stations can be procedually generated, but I'm not sure how good a procedually generated ship would look. Procedually switched weapons might be good.
    3. ltmauve

      Weapons Demonstration: News and Discussion

      Adding all those confusing names is annoying. Also, there are a lot of things that already start with "SD," which is one of the reasons /give is useless. Making these the full names would be fine, but I'd rather see the already long "normal" names get cut down to things that have as few...
    4. ltmauve

      Plasma Weapon?

      Teritary damage over time effect? sure. I think that having to "remove" it would be quite overpowered, as one shot could eat through an entire ship given enough time. However, having another shot hitting around the first shot adding time and/or damage to the first effect would be cool.
    5. ltmauve

      What Creatures/Aliens and other life forms would you like to see?

      At the very least, there should be "packs" of ships that can be spawned by NPC factions, if not packs tied in directly with the faction properties themselves. (Such as usual model parts, city and station structures, behavior) It would be rather disconcerting if two species hostile to another...
    6. ltmauve

      My suggestion about power

      The thing about the weapons is that with the new system, output is based specifically on the blocks of the weapons. Sliders disappear. That said, prioritazion of power is an excellent thing. Maybe having some way of using the teritary effect blocks slaved to the shields to permanently adjust the...
    7. ltmauve

      Poll for FTL travel

      Having the waiting be in realspace as opposed to hyperspace means more opportunities for interaction, whether positive or negative. You could get ambushed while waiting to jump. However, if the station has the facilities for it, you could repair your ship, do some trading, anything that doesn't...
    8. ltmauve

      My suggestion about power

      Maybe an alternate reactor system, which gets its bonus from being cube-ish? (mimimization of dimensions with maximization of mass) Also, a radiator system that you link a reactor to a computer and this reactor is offline until you activate the computer. Each computer has a seperate maximum...
    9. ltmauve

      Poll for FTL travel

      I'd rather not see FTL transit times as "waiting" in hyperspace. If charge times increased with the distance traveled, that would a) implement the "travel time" mechanic while b) allowing ships attempting to jump to be interacted with.
    10. ltmauve

      To Turret, or not to Turret.

      You could place wedge-shaped turrets at the back of the sides (on those flat sections) and they would look like they were part of the ship
    11. ltmauve

      Brotherhood Republic Fleets [Luna Turret Update part 1]

      Most of the ship looks great (turrets included) but the struts connecting the pods to the main body look incredibly flimsy
    12. ltmauve

      My suggestion about power

      Nope: First, making it so that a single block produces enough power to power anything up to a certain size is ridiculous. Right now, power scales with ship size, at incredibly small intervals. If you need a touch more power, you put in a few more xm3.4s. With this, if you need a bit more power...
    13. ltmauve

      space anchor - butthurt no more

      I think locking the ship in place would be preferable from a performance perspective over a "return to original place" type of thing. Also, I don't see any concern with locked mines, since they would need to be manually placed, and it would be hard to get a whole bunch around a ship.
    14. ltmauve

      Reason for having an interior

      Energy for thrusters isn't a requirement? You can have shields without shield blocks? Think of it this way: if larger ships didn't have reduced turning rates, turrets wouldn't be necessary. However, turrets are basically a buff to turning rate that allow larger ships to handle smaller ones. You...
    15. ltmauve

      Pattern Encoder Block—The solution to all our docking problems

      The problem is then you lose universal docking capability.
    16. ltmauve

      "Destroyed" blocks and repair work.

      Um, I know that AMCs don't penetrate "transparent" blocks like sprites or open plexdoors. Not sure about beams doing the same thing.
    17. ltmauve

      Crew, Decor and Life Support

      Having a system where multiple crew can assigned to the same room means that you don't have to build a separate room for each one of your crew member. A military-style vessel doesn't have an individual room for each crew. That's not how it works. I don't like the idea of auto-teleports, since...
    18. ltmauve

      Missions and Events (challenges, goals, quests, scenarios, etc.)

      Also things that should be added to missions: time limits (optional) partial completion & partial rewards (for example, you destroyed the faction module of the pirate based. However, since you used nuclear missiles to do that, you also killed the NPC you could have rescued. You get credits, but...
    19. ltmauve

      Few small suggestons for the near future

      Also, make sounds have a longer range. I should be able to hear fighters buzzing me and shooting at me from 500m.
    20. ltmauve

      Crew, Decor and Life Support

      Um, if the room area is like a docking block, how would it interact with other blocks in the area (i.e. decorations) If it allows intersection, then how you prevent intersection from walls from being an exploit? If not, how would you let people put it in rooms with things on the floor? I think...