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    1. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      @NeonSturm No idea.. I know next to nothing about shaders, sorry. The only reason i'm playing with the specular currently is out of frustration for sun glares (i like white ships :P ). Even then, i "learnt" by breaking it repeatedly all day until it worked. What were you hoping to...
    2. kupu

      Jump Drive block invisible?

      Have you updated the game to the latest version? Are you using the Default texture pack or Pixel pack? (If yes to both, please submit a bug or thread to the game support section.) Are you using the realistic pack? The "realistic" pack is now unsupported. There should be / will be a...
    3. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      Another specular shader; The lighting shader code has been reworked slightly, as such the last method i discussed of changing the specular light is different. If you are changing them yourselves, the variables required are now split between cubelight.glsl and cubelightvars.glsl. I'll...
    4. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      Black glass is something that could be tweaked perhaps. The new FTL update has arrived and no doubt discussions will arise around designs and functionality. While it is all welcome, of course, do note the normal maps are placeholders, the Warpgate modules are waiting for 24 way...
    5. kupu

      "Unfriendly" rating

    6. kupu

      StarMade Video Series

      I've got a few favourites for different reasons, @Vanhelzing Has a cool series showing the rebuilding of EVE ships. Always nice to see epic ships being built. Especially nice to see a theme you can follow and watch unfold (i never even...
    7. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      Thanks for all the feedback guys. Much appreciated as always. Regardless of the final verdicts, i'll be sure to provide a texture and give a breakdown on how to add, or remove the warp gate block textures as there is obviously lots of interest in the topic.
    8. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      We currently don't have our particle system up and running, so thats not an option right now.
    9. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      Quick question to you all. Would a invisible block (much like the area trigger) be a solution to the "must be a visible loop" problem? How do you feel about it?
    10. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      :) Your English is fine, i understand. It might be possible to have a 'emitter' type texture on one face (like the thruster), but things like this require the player to orientate the blocks to make them look right. I'll add the idea to the list.
    11. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      Not yet. Discussions about how we think they should look / how players will want to build with them are still ongoing. If you have strong opinions on the matter, do make a post either here or on the relevant FTL threads. Thanks :) I should also be able to showcase some of the new...
    12. kupu

      how to import .nif files to smedit?

      NifTools / Nifscope plug-ins for Blendr or 3DS should allow you to import NIF files, then export as .obj files ready for SMedit. I've not tried it, but thats how i would try first.
    13. kupu

      Forcefield blocks.

      It's definitely on my wish list.
    14. kupu

      Plex Door Wedges

      It's not that we don't want them, nor that we find them useless, nor is it a case of unavailable ID's. Currently it is not as simple to place them in as other blocks. However we do it, it would require more effort / team members than adding other block types ie; glass. Working on the...
    15. kupu


      Threads that turn inadvertently into a "Feel good thread" are the best.
    16. kupu

      FTL is here! It's a StarGate!

      If you've not yet guessed, they are placeholder textures.
    17. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      It certainly sounds fun. At some point i may try it out myself and share the resources for others to use in custom block kits. I don't know currently. I might have a talk with andyp, see what he has in the tracker regarding it.
    18. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      Possible if i was designing the texture for only the wedge shape. But it might break with our current orientations. Yea, i've been talking to Schema about some very strange orientation bugs in MacOSX 10.9.* Some faces being inverted etc. I'm sure they are being worked on.
    19. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      This is because in our engine red is a pure light. Orange is not and will be heavily effected by surrounding light sources, ie: the sun. Transparency values per glass colour starts to limit the use of each colour block, or puts them into niches. Currently we have glass in all hull colours...
    20. kupu

      Kupu's thread

      Possibly. We'll usually wait and see how players are building with them etc, i like to catalogue feedback like this and just sit on it for a while before changing textures just to make sure the need is there and the want is widely sought after. As for transparency, it's trying to balance...