Search results

    1. SkullCollector

      Brainstorm This Controllable & Grouped Turrets

      One of us is missing a point here. Just to clarify (I hope my talking too much helps at least a little): AI can still control turrets, which will be particularly useful for point-defence systems. No need to involve players here. The only drawback of this is that computers can only handle a...
    2. SkullCollector

      Brainstorm This Controllable & Grouped Turrets

      That is why AI would still be able to control them. On a capital where you need a lot of PD coverage, you will most likely also have enough space to put a few more computers to stay below that aim fall-off threshold for AI-controlled turrets. What I'm suggesting is that the most viable and...
    3. SkullCollector

      Brainstorm This Controllable & Grouped Turrets

      TL;DR: Let us control groups of turrets as the pilot through a hotbar slot / mode. To be honest, I hate AI turrets. Yes, turrets are important, correct and realistic, but I do not think that the current AI implementation can deal with factors such as target priority, burst fire, timing and...
    4. SkullCollector

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      I knew I shouldn't have come back. Now I want to spend endless hours building capitals again.
    5. SkullCollector

      Third time's the charm, right?

      Third time's the charm, right?
    6. SkullCollector

      Yet Another Return

      Rally the Kickstarter lobbyists, another flop is about to hit its funding goal!
    7. SkullCollector

      Yet Another Return

      Crosses me how people on here just refuse to learn. Thanks for the laugh, I guess. If anyone were to make a TV show from whatever's going on in SM, it would look like an awful regurgitation of Game of Thrones in space.
    8. SkullCollector

      Yet Another Return

      So the Council goes through the suggestions and whatever may come up on the forums instead of Schine directly, and then relays it to the devs in a filtered, comprehensive manner? That's something I'd applaud. How has the influx of coders affected the game? Anything major that's now closer to...
    9. SkullCollector

      Yet Another Return

      Yeah well, what can I say. I'm a man with a highly... dynamic set of interests. First of all, sorry for vanishing that suddenly. Anyone who had business on SATURN, i.e., saving ships, may slap me with the smelliest salmon they have, as we all do. The server won't return, I'm done with that and...
    10. SkullCollector

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      Not sure if I'd go through as a former SATURN member, but luck will have to prove itself. IGN: SkullCollector
    11. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Sorry for the downtime, the update process has become a little complicated since the switch. Went through the steps to learn that they aren't even aware of the update. I'll check in again later tonight. She's running the old build in the meantime. Edit: She's updated. Why no pictures?
    12. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Good news, folks. I know, it looked as though we had a severe problem, but fret no more; the old server was just under prolonged maintenance without notice. Yeah, great work, server hosting company. Anyway, it's up again until its absolute shutdown in a few weeks. We have the universe backed up...
    13. SkullCollector

      What the community has suggested - An overview and ideas for the dev team -Update #1 I don't think a 3rd-party wrapper should be necessary to efficiently and safely assign ranks to clients. Everyone is constantly on about faction permissions, but as a build server owner, I feel left out.
    14. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Admittedly, not 104 players are online all day every day. Not even close. It's just that they are there, on the whitelist, and quite a lot of them play every now and then. Our host was generously sponsoring us with the server, but he really doesn't know how to administrate a community, even a...
    15. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      You misevaluate the situation. No assets are lost, they merely have not been imported yet. Dan came prematurely again and posted the IP in hysterical actionism, so a lot of people find the universe blank and without proper setup. Surely you will understand that we cannot keep track of every...
    16. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      As usual, Dan forgets to mention that the current universe will be backed up on my local machine for a few weeks, so that currently inactive players can come back to us later. Also, blueprints will not be carried over. Previous experiences have shown that file corruption is a bitch. So please...
    17. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      A'ight, she's been updated. Excuse the delay, folks.
    18. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      There is, ours has just been broken ever since 0.17. I'm going to upload it from my local machine somewhen today, but that will take a while.
    19. SkullCollector

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      Thanks, man! I absolutely did not expect this to get its own review. So glad you like it.
    20. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Welcome everyone I haven't had the chance to see serverside yet! Let me just remind everyone that we have a Steam group which makes out-of-game communication much easier. Dan and I cannot be on the server at all times, but we almost always are to be found on Steam; if you need anything from an...