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    1. Calbiri

      16 Good Suggestions.

      almost all of these are planned, or implemented (1 or 2) already in some form :D #11, thats a novel one i think, but is likely included in the npc\'s that schema plans to add
    2. Calbiri

      Challenge: Smallest 1,000,000 power/s reactor.

      Previously I had 23.3, and I have seen 2 people use Moph\'s design to acheive an average of 23, congrats to them, and anyone who may beat that!!!! This isnt a new challenge, so to help clarify, the solution to people suggesting lines is this, \"Create the smallest reactor that can generate 1m...
    3. Calbiri

      Divine Wind, Drones, Metropolis!

      So there are disentegrator block in game already, and will likely completly fill the role you mentioned for \"divine wind\" once more controls are added. Drones in some form (ai ships) are partailly in game already, and with a planned improvement of the ai system (schema said he\'d do this at...
    4. Calbiri

      500k+ AMCs on a single computer

      Do you have the group selection highlights (the purple boxes when linking) enabled? In one of your servers starmade file you will find a text file called \"Settings\" (there is also one called \"Server\", both have different settings, for your server, and for your client) the settings file will...
    5. Calbiri

      StarMade passes Steam's Greenlight!

      Yes, lets pour drinks on Schema!! ill bring the gatorade 5 gallon bucket
    6. Calbiri

      My gone.

      did you check that your launcher was in the same location as the old one? if you moved it, then it will have created a new game file, simply find the old file and use that to get your stuff back
    7. Calbiri

      Firing weapons in directions other than forward?

      You must operate the computer directly, not from the core, think of it as q gunners computer, then you will be able to fire other directions
    8. Calbiri

      Weapons and modules only gainable through crafting.

      what this comment meant, is that you can take the block, and put them together in custom groups to make unique weapons and systems, not that you could create custom block types.
    9. Calbiri

      The Power Question, solved?

      the old design milkman made is still the top producing 5x5x5 pattern, it gets 9927, but good job (and keep in mind you can build larger than 5x5x5 )
    10. Calbiri

      Turret Gun Rotation

      Wholeheartedly seconded
    11. Calbiri

      Power Regen: 10000 e/sec, 5x5x5 Box?

      The best I have seen since the power mechanics got nerfed is 9927 from a 5x5x5
    12. Calbiri

      Question for schema in post. "Weapon Control Block" proposal.

      And that tiny turret has no sheilds and is easy to blow up... I love this idea, it meshes well with the current feel of the game, and would allow more creativity in ship building
    13. Calbiri

      The Energy storage problem

      they are designed to be used by large ships that can no longer function on the optimal 1m regen cap of smaller ships. the transition is a amply wide range, without being overpower or underpowered, some tweaking might be needed, but generally speaking, tanks are meant to be used in very large...
    14. Calbiri

      Calculations on Ingame Values

      Combining all of these into 1 calculator is a great idea, good job!
    15. Calbiri

      Ships of NASS Volume 2

      I know this has taken you alwhile, congrats and thanks!
    16. Calbiri

      Docking Box Bugs

      the space intersected halway by the dock lines are included in the docking zone (they are halfway through a block space) the docked ship will \"float\" 1/2 block high over the dock block, this will offset the ship by that 1/2 block, otherwise all else will still line up. Currently there is no...
    17. Calbiri


      The reason for the obfuscation is not property protection, schema is letting you play free after all. He has stated that it is simply to prevent modding from occuring DURING the highly unstable period of Alpha. There are days that he patches the game 5-6 times, and often patches every other...
    18. Calbiri

      If i buy the game

    19. Calbiri

      What is the difference between the free and paid version?

      paying 3$ now will get you the full game once its out of alpha/beta with no extra costs, it is an optional pre-purchase during the alpha.
    20. Calbiri

      OpenGL 2.1+ Drivers for NVIDIA products

      Nvidia makes drivers that supports OpenGL 2.1+ for their video cards Link is here