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    1. Admiral.Piett

      A way to effectively balance things: Mass, volume, and density.

      *sigh* that was a reaaaally unnecessary post of yours lad karkinosz, But i will discuss some things. Your definition of Density is completely accurate, but my use of it as a simple way to represent the mass of a ship in the more accurate form is what yo are missing. We are not in real life, so...
    2. Admiral.Piett

      Introduction thread!

      I am Admiral Piett. I am a passionate player, and a lectured man in many of taday's hot topics. I find starmade the best game ever, and I intend to help it out as much as i can. Currently I don't play on any servers, since I would like gameplay to polish before attempting any online play. My...
    3. Admiral.Piett

      Turret updates

      If you decide to make "interchangeable" turrets, then make it your thing. It think it is always nice to have the option that you suggest, though. I intend to make several corvettes the same "base" ship, albeit with different turret configurations, so i kind of understand. And yeah, the turret...
    4. Admiral.Piett

      Bug kills my i7!!

      I have a terribly cooled laptop with overheating issues (G73JH model from Asus) that uses my CPU up to 80% and i don't ever overheat. Remove any overclocking and make sure your cooling is working properly, I am almost certain it isn't working.
    5. Admiral.Piett

      Fully Customizable Bobby A.I = Repair Drones, Mine A.I?

      I think you have a good idea here, but needs a lot of polishing. Behavior types for the bobby AI are something I'd like to see, definitely.
    6. Admiral.Piett

      Making Ground Combat Suck Less

      I don't know, sounds good to me. I mean, after all, the death star DID kill a planet. :P
    7. Admiral.Piett

      Making Ground Combat Suck Less

      That is because planets should be "kill-able" ? Honestly i don't know how much firepower is needed to kill a planet.
    8. Admiral.Piett

      A way to effectively balance things: Mass, volume, and density.

      I beg you please, people, to not deviate from the main objective of this thread. I appreciate however, the stating that current block mass is same for all block types,further strengthening my points.
    9. Admiral.Piett

      A way to effectively balance things: Mass, volume, and density.

      I've made several changes to the OP. be kind enough to check them again, lads.
    10. Admiral.Piett

      A way to effectively balance things: Mass, volume, and density.

      I am making this thread to centralize ideas, and place them in a more appropriate place to be discussed. By adding both things into the game calculations for ships and bases, VS the size of things (which is in part affected by density) we strike at several things. Before you read ahead, I need...
    11. Admiral.Piett

      Docking and the upcoming home base points system should use mass/block counts, not box sizes.

      I do agree, however, that different blocks should have different densities, with normal hull being one and scaling over (and below) that. That allows for more flexible and careful ship planning, advanced ship balancing, that includes weapon, power and shield balancing. If we Implement a feature...
    12. Admiral.Piett

      Docking and the upcoming home base points system should use mass/block counts, not box sizes.

      As i have a similar thread, I think mass should be used at all times for docking, rating and HP calculations rather than size. That makes a huge strike in balancing ships with interiors, vs ships with no interiors, but a big thing that needs to be here is Collision logic. Hangars should be big...
    13. Admiral.Piett

      Turret (balancing) arc/facing and docking logic. AI with more options and targetable missiles

      Well, on that insight you are right, but then, turrets should share shields based on their mass too. Say, a turret that has a specific percentage of mass vs the main ship gets only a % of the main ships shields, that way turrets are more efficient and not overpowered, at the same time we improve...
    14. Admiral.Piett

      Guide to Saving Money for Schema

      Some people have unlimited data bandwidth, but i understand some ISP do limit harshly the amount of data per month, or sell their internet services "per data amount"
    15. Admiral.Piett

      Turret (balancing) arc/facing and docking logic. AI with more options and targetable missiles

      Well, in addition to mass docking I agree turret mass should be added to the ships total mass. Make that implicit on the post, I totally agree. But turrets need to collide with the ship they are attached to. It simply needs to make sense out of some ships designs. Most ship designs now make use...
    16. Admiral.Piett

      Turret (balancing) arc/facing and docking logic. AI with more options and targetable missiles

      Well, into the fact the database backup erasing my post, I'll repost this ideas I think are worth taking a look at. This game will succeed more the more flexible designing a ship is. Therefore, I think the current "fit turret/ship into a box" mechanic should go away, we need mass docking, at...
    17. Admiral.Piett

      The Homeworld 2 Project

      Well, I intend to use the measurements of the video all the way along. I guess since we are doing different measure scales, I'll do my own ships whilst you do yours. Obviously we will have to scale down the biggest ones due to game limits (although the new sectors can be customized in sizes...
    18. Admiral.Piett

      The Homeworld 2 Project

      Thadius Faran I am already trying to "wedge" it, and change the turret placement to be further in the back. Thanks.
    19. Admiral.Piett

      The Homeworld 2 Project

      Oppa!! Well, here be a screenshot of my first attempt at a homeworld replica. I can't make shiny gifs, but I'll provide pics of both the in game ship and the star-made one. Feel free to point out suggestions to improve the design. I am already trying to figure out a way to make the frontal...
    20. Admiral.Piett

      What 3 features would you most like to see added to Starmade?

      -Break-off a a stable vanilla feature that is all i want :B