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    1. AnnaShade017

      It was a request I took in pm, and so it got pushed up on my to-do list. Besides, I wanted to do...

      It was a request I took in pm, and so it got pushed up on my to-do list. Besides, I wanted to do it. :P
    2. AnnaShade017

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      If you have a keen interest in bug fixes, I'd suggest watching and looking through the bug tracker. :) (You should find some navigation on the right for some more specifics, but you can read up on current bugs and progression there.)
    3. AnnaShade017

      Handheld weapon modular building/customisation (Other decorative items) repost from old forum.

      I support a voxel system for making weapons, but I am also very open to a modular model system (one with pre-made parts to select, put together, skin, etc. Where server admins could potentially make their own models, and these designs could be put in community content for download so people...
    4. AnnaShade017

      Imperial Stormtrooper skin in progress: ETA 1-2 weeks maximum I think. ^_^

      Imperial Stormtrooper skin in progress: ETA 1-2 weeks maximum I think. ^_^
    5. AnnaShade017

      The Athanatos Concord - The New Era of StarMade Alliances!

      You mean the list of factions in the OP? Of course, whenever a new faction joins I assume that list will need to be updated, I cannot say how quickly the list is updated, but I just figured I'd point out the obvious to clear that up. :P
    6. AnnaShade017

      Rotating the Cockpit's view [Dead Thread]

      As long as your cockpit is facing backwards/left/right, you should see out of that view. You change the orientation of the block in advanced build mode (holding ctrl) of course before placing the block. As long as you do that, and the camera-end of the block is facing the direction you want...
    7. AnnaShade017

      Rotating the Cockpit's view [Dead Thread]

      Wait, you're saying you can get in the cockpit? (as in, go from spaceman, press R and get inside like you would a core?) If so, I've never been able to do that, I didn't think that was possible. If it was, what would be the point of seeing different directions if you're not flying the ships? I...
    8. AnnaShade017

      Rotating the Cockpit's view [Dead Thread]

      I have not had this problem with cockpit(s). I assume the most recent version of the game is being used? (not a dev build) I place one cockpit pointing forward, and one pointing backwards. While in the core, I can toggle different views (with the space bar or arrow keys L & R). So I can see any...
    9. AnnaShade017

      More Female skins

      You're right, "xeno-striker" on the old site made an offer of a player model to the dev team. Old site link to the forum post here: I'm not sure if it's possible to switch player models right now, as you'd have to find a way to mod it...
    10. AnnaShade017

      Next week I'll be finishing up final projects and classes. BTW, if I finish a requested skin, I...

      Next week I'll be finishing up final projects and classes. BTW, if I finish a requested skin, I will mention those that requested it!
    11. AnnaShade017

      Happy birthday!

      Happy birthday!
    12. AnnaShade017

      [Discussion] Tired of hearing "soon"? Thoughts on the Q&A

      I've been watching this go on a while, but now I think I'll "throw my two cents in". I feel there is a side who believes something must change to better fit what the community would like and/or the community feels neglected, and then another side who feels, for the most part, that the way...
    13. AnnaShade017

      Suggestion Too many non-unified news sources

      I concur! If you notice, the StarMade news (Tab at the top) is technically not on the same website as the forums. I found the news easier to follow on the old site, it was in one place, and I saw if there was new news on the homepage whenever I visited. But here, if I want to see the news, I...
    14. AnnaShade017

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      I could do both, but my personal preference is to go with something that covers the head more so it could be seen as functional. Having the hat idea might annoy some, but others might prefer it. I'll share more images on this thread when I have completed more!
    15. AnnaShade017

      More Female skins

      Wish I had been online when this happened (thanks for tagging me!). As soon as I have more time, I'll be working on more female skins. There is a list of skins people have requested that I will also be working on of course, but it helps me to work on a few things at a time so I don't get bored...
    16. AnnaShade017

      Engage: Captain Picard!

      Same images I had seen. Still need to find images of the backs, but thanks for your help! :D
    17. AnnaShade017

      Engage: Captain Picard!

      Then someone better give me two different pictures to work off from then. :p *hint hint* I also was not going to go into specific ranks of clone commanders and other ranks that would more drastically change how the armor looked, at least, I'm not going to yet. But what I can do to best make...
    18. AnnaShade017

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      Well, It could even work like the lit areas on the back of the armor in mass effect where the weapons attach, but instead a small one the side for the pistol. I feel the empty holster doesn't seem too strange, because if the weapon is not drawn you just wouldn't see the holster, so I think the...
    19. AnnaShade017

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      Awesome! (I wasn't sure whether it got across as Steampunk, but I'm glad it read that way to you so quickly!) I'll keep that in mind, I don't want to put too many tools on her that she's wearing more tools than clothes/armor but, the hammer is a good, simple idea. I was also thinking about a...
    20. AnnaShade017

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      ________________________ For those returning, thank you to all who helped out and left a comment! This was originally a WIP thread, you can scroll through it's development below or skip right to the finished skin here: