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    1. nogg

      What do you look for in a mining ship?

      I usually meander around a asteroid field in a small mining fleet, usually about 2-4 mining ships with escorts. the main thing I value in my fleets is mobility, seconded by storage and salvage power.
    2. nogg

      standardised cargo containers

      a simple design could be a similar pod with a USD dock, as that is already widely used by most people.
    3. nogg

      Overheated ships - Turn to derelict if not rebooted

      i like the idea, scrap is useful... at least in the early stages of the game. could the derelicts be changed to include a small percent chance of scavenging the original block? say a 10% chance of a block being usable still?
    4. nogg

      Disable Buying Ship BP at Shop

      I love the idea, but more work will need to be done on shipyards first.
    5. nogg

      StarMade v0.199.357 - Texture Update

      I love this update!!! water is now insubstantial, but can still be sat on like a normal block... Keep up the great work!
    6. nogg

      Overheated ships should be dismissed from fleet

      This needs to be fixed, I often try to board a NPC ship and remove the faction module. it then continues its task, usually dragging me along. a temporary fix is to BP it and deconstruct, then re spawn it.
    7. nogg

      How the NPC update makes fuel (and money!) viable

      yes, fuel could also be found around black holes and in rare asteroids, some planets too I'd think.
    8. nogg

      Starmade Propaganda

      out of curiosity, what does it translate to?
    9. nogg

      Factory block changeup

      if the problem is finding the right factory for a production job, could each factory unlock new blocks. for example the advanced would make all the blocks in the game. And the standard factory would do less and so on. the most basic factory would make only the most basic blocks available.
    10. nogg

      Fleet: IDLE stops asteroids dead

      if this is a bug, its a very useful one... I think I will use this
    11. nogg

      Bug Invincible Ships

      happens often for me, usually pirate turret parts from stations.
    12. nogg

      Better lights!

      Yes!!! its time to put flashlights on our ships!!
    13. nogg

      shipyard dock to center of dimensions.

      YES!!!! every one of my ships cores are in a different position, docking ships in shipyards to the center of balance would be great.
    14. nogg

      Brainstorm: Things to do on Planets

      in the future development, planets are going to need to be more important. some source of passive resource gathering would improve them. MUST FIX OBJECTS FALLING INTO PLANET CORES!!!!
    15. nogg


      your planet/base may be too close to a pirate station, try moving your base or removing the pirate station if you are able.
    16. nogg

      More Immersive Main Menu

      i agree with Thadius, its a great idea, but not at the moment. perhaps sometime farther in the games development?
    17. nogg

      Deflector and FAKE (visual effect) bubble shields

      torpedoes are extremely weak at present. it would not be a huge loss. All mine designs would be trash though!
    18. nogg

      A "condensed logic" block solution

      a great idea, but it should not fully replace the standard logic blocks. (My opinion)
    19. nogg

      How the NPC update makes fuel (and money!) viable

      I like this idea, as it would help reduce the use of titans. at least it will make more reason to control territory. Perhaps make the fuel found in the planned nebulas? of course make it found in other places too.
    20. nogg

      Building Civilian Structures

      if they ever want to add ship crews, many of the above problems will need to be addressed. NPCs falling out of ships will not be fun for the crews...