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    1. C

      Offline Ship Editor

      What kind of problem you exactly have? I tried 890m long Hyperion and all importing was only few seconds long on my i7 with 5 gigs of ram allocated for java. Hyperion has 1,3 million blocks i think. Pic: I think that 1024 size shouldnt be much bigger than 890 (roughly...
    2. C

      Offline Ship Editor

      Tried to use binvox to import few models, but when using models created by my binvox smedit seems to be stuck at 0% or 1%. Silaz\'s ship model is imported instantly. Any ideas? edit: Got it, binvox shouldnt run in \"carving method\" whatever it is.
    3. C

      Offline Ship Editor

      Hi, I would like to ask you one question. In the future I would like to build few borg spheres and maybe a death star like ship. Do you plan to use different algorithm to build spheres? Zhese ones are a bit diamondish.
    4. C

      Challenge: Smallest 1,000,000 power/s reactor.

      Your ship can drain power from these stacked reactors? Automatically without that drain beam? If so, I would be able to make few cloaked ships.
    5. C

      3D Model to blocks

      As ClawRocket wrote, there are convertors that can made MCedit schematic from every 3ds or max model file. Then you can open them in MCedit and copy ships to Starmade by eye. ATM there is no MCedit to .sment convertor. Just manual work.
    6. C

      A quick size query

      Hi Belone, As guys already said, you can try to make smaller sized model. ATM Im building Hyperion from Starcraft and the head part is roughly 600x200x100 meters big. That is volume of 12 million blocks. And If that head would be space station, it would be pretty big and badass station. Think...
    7. C

      Klingon Bird of Prey 1:1 scale

      Very good job! Also, the space station is perfect. The planet is Qo\'nos i suppose. :) I cant wait to see Vor\'cha and Negh\'var. Is there a bridge room on that Bird of Prey?
    8. C

      SC2 Hyperion Battlecruiser

      Firstly, thanks for your support. Planned length is 1150ish meters, width should be 800 meters, neck plus head part that we can see on pic is maybe 600 meters long. Every turret has 40k dps, but Harry managed to upgrade one to almost 60k i believe. We need to test it more. Front part has 8 of...
    9. C

      SC2 Hyperion Battlecruiser

      I took the blue one, which is copy of and remade it to look like Hyperion. It was just a model used to upscale dimensions. New pics in first post!
    10. C

      SC2 Hyperion Battlecruiser

    11. C

      Valiant Space Station

      Your ship looks exacly like my never completed* Valdore Class from Star Trek. *I planned to make it as perma cloaked+jammed and (with 1M energy regen) weight went way over 1000 before it was completed. (650ish would be max to perma cloak+jam).
    12. C

      SC2 Hyperion Battlecruiser

      Hi shipbuilders! Id like to introduce you new ship we started to build with my friend Harry. Its replica of Raynor's battlecruiser Hyperion from Starcraft II. Decks with bar, laboratory etc...