Challenge: Smallest 1,000,000 power/s reactor.

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Saying there\'s \"no point\" for people to play a sandbox game in the way they enjoy it is kind of silly. It\'s a sandbox game; there is no point other than what you make of it.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    You should reword it to say that you want the ship with the smallest sum of combined directions eg// 100+100+150=350 for Draco\'s design and 611+1+1=613 for the smallest volume design.

    I think moph wins this one. I can\'t see making a cube less than 23 with 1mil power gen.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Why would I tell people how to play the game, I was just pointing out that its not efficient to have a \"reactor\".
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Let\'s say, you were building a ship, you had your design sorted etc., now, when it comes to the power, you have a space of 8 blocks by 6 blocks by 4 blocks to fill...

    Spot the difference.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I notice they are both inefficient for space yep.

    You are averaging only 136 power per block in the top, and 141 on the bottom

    A single stand alone power block gives 141 power.

    So you are gaining absolutely no benefit from stacking them, and the top one you are actually LOSING efficiency per block.

    Like I\'ve been trying to say, reactors are not efficient per block, it is much better to think about power when designing your ship and incorporating it into the design to maximize both power gain and lowered mass.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    Previously I had 23.3, and I have seen 2 people use Moph\'s design to acheive an average of 23, congrats to them, and anyone who may beat that!!!!

    This isnt a new challenge, so to help clarify, the solution to people suggesting lines is this,

    \"Create the smallest reactor that can generate 1m regen, given a cubic average of (X+Y+Z)/3 \"

    As for the utility of these compact reactors, simple, its for any capital ship. No, most ships wont use nearly the 80 full reactors i crammed into my ship, but they can still easily benefit from regen rates of 10-15 reactors on even the moderate capital ships.

    Those argueing that the small reactors are hardly better than just solid cubes of the same size... arent accounting for mass, nor are they accounting for the size dynamic, the larger the space, the better a boxdim reactor is vs a cube reactor EXCEPT once you exceed the 1m regen, which is why this challenge is relevant.

    Design a small 1m boxdim reactor, and you now have a unit that you can plug into any large ship you make in the future, as multiples of these *easily* outperform solid cubic reactors.

    Theres my rant and im sticking to it :D
    Jun 24, 2013
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    You\'re completely ignoring the premise again, and every single time in every single thread you post this same thing in.

    \"If you are given specific dimensions within which to fit your power generation then...\"


    All of us know that the most output you can get is from a single joined entity which doesn\'t repeat itself along any axis.

    We know all too well what you\'re trying to say, you\'ve said it a thousand times in this thread and others, but at the same time you\'re ignoring what is being asked. At this point, I\'m honestly starting to believe that you\'re trolling us all.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    No you didn\'t read what I wrote. I said \"A single stand alone power block gives 141 power\", as in a SINGLE BLOCK.

    And again, why would you build your ship with space for a reactor, when you could just randomly throw power blocks around whereever and have it be just as, or more efficient than those two you placed above.

    Edit: Here let me put it another way, in that 8x6x4, if you placed blocks every other space you\'d end up with what... 96 or so power blocks, or 13536 power. You could then fill in the rest with shields and it would be much easier than trying to do your design.

    Unless you have a \"line\" of 9 or longer, it is more efficient per block to just have single blocks.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Well now, that is slightly disappointing. I believe what I was originally trying to show with that 8x6x4 was that sticks are not always better than a twisted reactor. At least it doesn\'t surpass the energy levels which have been achieved in the 5x5x5 category though.

    I\'m still not sure what this proves at the end of the day though, since it doesn\'t change the relevance of the initial question, which was avoided again.. i.e. the most energy from the specific dimensions given.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    So that 23x23x23 cube, can you post some images showing the stages of construction? Just a handful to give me a jist of what is going on.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    You just start off with two interlocking 3D L shapes in the middle, then expand out the cube. The problematic part is when the 2D Ls from the opposing 3D Ls meet. You have to use singles in the spaces in between. Apart from the unique point where they\'re both crossing the same distance from each other, then at that point you can use the two chopsticks laying across each other principal which can bridge the gap.

    Also, if you\'re going to challenge people to make the best whatever, you should post up your design first for people to beat, otherwise you\'re just blatantly asking people to build something for you with the pretense of it being fun/sport.

    I don\'t have time to take it apart or re-assemble another one. It took an hour to do last time, and I\'m busy working on a (non-starmade) project. You should be able to work it out with the above description and a bit of trial and error.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    lol you got me. This really was just an way of hiring the brainy fellows here to make me something. You like these sort of puzzles though. It\'s win-win for both of us. :)
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Again these are mainly used for scientific studies and rare cases. I usually start building my ships by making the power frame to outer dimensions. Even if few power blocks shine on the hull, they are just cool looking scifi-effects. The small power core weighs 594, whereas simple frame of 350 blocks only weighs 35, for 1 million regen. You save over 5500 power blocks by doing this kind of framing, so if your ship design just allows it, it should be done...

    And as became apparent in other thread, if your ship has over 3000 blocks, it already has slowest possible turning speed. Whatever you add afterwards, only affects mass/thrust for maximum speed and acceleration balance.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    So what if I told you we can generate 1 mil Energy in a cubic avg of 5.85;
    with a power/Volume ratio of 188.04 (Current best in this thread is 83.97)

    All Credit to Ireos and the team at Vatallus/ Galactic Empire.
    Curently our most efficient Design is 6102993.6 mil/second in a 43x43x21 area = ((107)/3)/6.1milE/Sec = 5.846 Cubic Avg per 1 mil.

    The 1 mil version is less efficient @ a size of 23x23x12 = 19.3 (power/Volume of 157 E/block)

    6.1mil verson:

    1mil version:

    Note: These are experimental \"Compond\" reactors influenced by lessons learned on Calbiri’s Stream thus getting the power out of them is going to be very difficult, they are provided merely as “proof of concept”.
    Also as Calbiri alluded the real challenge isn’t about physical size of the reactors and I would like to subject that an equally important definition is your Volume/Power ratio (X*Y*Z)/(E/Sec)… IE: The effectiveness of an avg block in your design… The mathematically inclined seem to have noticed that the 1mil power challenge is stupid and have probably started working on the most volume-efficient reactor designs; Finding that any reactors over ~800k regen are just taking up space that could be better used by another reactors.

    WiskeyEcho – Vatallus - Colonel
    Jan 1, 2013
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    Yes :D it is perfrectly possible to overlap dock zones at the moment, and thus compact multiple reactors into a smaller space. But i may point out that this isnt new, and not quite the goal listed above. If you\'d asked for a ship (not a single reactor) that can provide the most power per space, id suggest a checker pattern of docks/drain beam lines (225 blocks =1m/s drain) properly planned and each being slightly unique (having a bulge just over each assigned beam) you can compact a great deal of power into a small space.

    Why didnt i use this on my ship? Because schema is aware of this exploit, and does plan to close it. I try to plan ahead when building ships, so i chose not to compress my reactor docks.

    Docks are great fun though, and they allow for many unique tricks like this in the game :)
    Aug 11, 2013
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    One million was just one of those \'big numbers\' to attract attention. Sure I don\'t need that much power in a small ship but I saw no topics related to \'compact reactors\' besides the 5x5x5 and 7x7x7 topics.Thought there was a gap that hadn\'t been filled yet.

    That 6.1 mil thing would fit in the ship I have now. I\'d love to make it myself but the image is tiny :(
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Well, I\'m totally blown away. You have a reactor which is half the size of the 23x23x23 and still produces 1,000,000 e/sec? Hats off to you guys.

    Would you mind posting a slightly larger image together with the UI portion of it\'s output? It\'s very difficult to see there, and looks as if a lot of the power entities are touching. It would help greatly in furthering our understanding of how these work. It makes me feel that I\'ve missed something completely fundamental.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    They cheated, its multiple docked ships stuck together using a glitch in docking
    Jul 10, 2013
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    Your ship can drain power from these stacked reactors? Automatically without that drain beam? If so, I would be able to make few cloaked ships.