Search results

    1. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      The server has been put offline due to a spontaneous glitch in the control panel. I apologise for the lack of warning, but I was kinda unwarned myself... I'll edit this post as soon as she's up and running again. So I was ninja'd by Dan. Edit: All right, the crash was caused by a smoked hard...
    2. SkullCollector

      Custom Jet-plumes

      I feel that custom thruster plumes also require levels of thrust. As it stands now, you can only go full-steam ahead, stand still or drift. For the sake of the argument, consider a stealth scenario in which a covert, jet-black dropship jams the enemy sensors, but cannot invisicloak permanently...
    3. SkullCollector

      Epoch of desolation [RP] [500k starting credits] [IT'S BACK AND IN BLACK!]

      Name: Christian Nolen Age: 25 Bio: His family had settled a lone planet, rich in resources and rudimentary vegetation, but barely warm enough to leave scarf and gloves at home. For a little over 20 years, they lived inside a mining ship they had brought with them after the collapse and scoured...
    4. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      So this is a thing now. It's finally finished after two weeks with a lot of interruptions. /bashing_Dan All in all it consumed around 15 hours of work from both Dan and myself. It sits right next to the spawn station anchored to the factory building; or rather, the factory building is anchored...
    5. SkullCollector

      Days of old..

      I joined around September last year when someone asked me for a great space game and StarMade randomly popped up in Google. Never been too involved in factions, wars, the chat or any of the major servers, so I was below radar most of the time. When the great hype of the new weapon...
    6. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Sooo apparently we've got a TS3 server now. Everyone, by this I mean bloody everyone, can get on and hang out with us. Join some time and have a talk, or just take a look at what's going on. Max clients are currently set to 50, but this can be increased as demand demands. If ever, as that's...
    7. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      You have been accepted! ... again? I thought you'd already applied on May 15, with the IGN of Taryn_Kerian. Which of these can I expect to see? Anyway, enjoy your stay. Both your ingame names are now whitelisted, but one will be removed as soon as I know which one you are going to use.
    8. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Hello there, folks. I've got two quick questions for you: 1. Would you use a TS3 server if we were to host one? It would not be SATURN-exclusive (i.e., non-whitelisted can be invited to it as well) and might bring some life to what we feel should be a community again. 2. What would you think...
    9. SkullCollector

      Kupu's thread

      Hey Kupu, are the decorative blocks planned to get an overhaul as well? I love the hexagon style you're going for (even though it is loathed upon for being a too quick way of making stuff futuristic-looking), but I find the tri-hex 'emblem' a bit too abundant. Especially the decorative blocks...
    10. SkullCollector

      Multiple Turret Controlling I was asked to copy-paste this into a new thread anyway, but I still don't think it deserves its own thread seeing as it's apparently a known and to-be-implemented matter. In addition to the linked post: Instead of limiting a...
    11. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Thank you for that video, chap, it was nice remembering Charlie Chaplin's greatest act in film history. You have been accepted, of course, and thus I hope you're going to enjoy your stay. Welcome!
    12. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      That's perfectly fine, it even distincts you from the rest. Looking forward to it. 5000 and 450 respectively. These aren't final, but I thought they might be viable until players give some feedback.
    13. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Good news, folks! o/ We have resolved the config problem at last! This means that we now have increased sector sizes, increased build area dimensions and unnecessary words to add to this sentence to make our success appear even more significant! It was no bug, as I had falsely expected, but an...
    14. SkullCollector


      What disturbs me about the current turret docking implementation is that AI is forced upon you if you want to make use of turrets. As it stands now, capital ships are bricks with guns, so turning so as to aim with primary weapons takes time, lots of it. Turret accuracy is a joke, especially...
    15. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Welcome to SATURN, Rub12! You have been accepted and whitelisted. For you as well as anyone else, just a quick reminder: The spawn station at 1,1,1 (you should spawn in the glass dome) offers a fully equipped factory to provide you with a fair amount of starting materials. There's no need to...
    16. SkullCollector

      Trace Build Server

      The latest build has actually initially caused it for SATURN. I am now experiencing it as well, but fortunately, only test changes were undone. I highly advise to give it further testing before claiming this as resolved. It isn't for us. To remain updated on the issue, refer to...
    17. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      The server is now updated. Edit: Uploading the latest hotfix right now. Edit 40 minutes later: Praise be 70 KiB/s upload... Excuse the delay, but I had have had to do it manually as the auto-updater refuses to function. Alas, the config problem has still not been resolved. I can only wait for...
    18. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      They should all have migrated south by now, the spawn is safe. But I do miss the gentle movements, the iridescence of their lights... Such lovely creatures.
    19. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Now you made me look like a fool for being so bureaucratic. Needless to say you're whitelisted again, Nullius. Good to see old faces back where they belong. Welcome!
    20. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      How odd, doesn't seem like it! Unless you're going by a different name than on the forums, I can't find you in the whitelist. Good to see you're still interested, though. Would you mind applying again?