Search results

    1. SkullCollector

      Big ships, small ships

      Just throwing in a random idea. What if we could add something akin to damage control and system wear-down? After a certain damage threshold, systems have worn down enough to lose a bit of their efficiency. In addition to base capacity and regeneration of shields, we'd also get efficiency...
    2. SkullCollector

      Tectum Clementia 3.0

      Character Name: Ethan Greaves (Ethan_Greaves) Age: 24 Species: Human Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Bio: Born to a family of Rendii militaristic nationalists, Ethan was not forced to enlist as much as it was simply expected of him. For several generations, the Greaves had spit out...
    3. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Cheers, it really is quite decent here. I toast to the community for contributing the lion's share to our awesomness. Also, ironically, just as you posted that, we had a few sectors full of ships causing memory overheads and thus crashes. To everyone who experienced major lag or even crashes...
    4. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      I just restarted the server. Sorry if anyone was online, but I didn't get any console response, although playercount showed 5. It should be fine again.
    5. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Well, from what those pictures show, you as well could have been in this position. Welcome to SATURN, Khaan! Enjoy your stay and should any questions arise, most of our players are likely to help out. There's also almost always someone with access to commands, so in case you need materials, go...
    6. SkullCollector

      Tectum Clementia 3.0

      Is there a certain lore characters have to adhere to, or a special setting? It usually helps avoid incoherence in biographies and IC gameplay to state it if so. I'm definitely going to apply, though, just don't want to miss anything important.
    7. SkullCollector

      Serious exception on server

      It's not just you either. Sorry to say it like that, but it's good to hear that someone else encounters this issue. Check your logs, or upload them. It might help the devs. I sent in a bug report to the tracker a week ago already, as it makes the game unenjoyable. Not sure if you've noticed...
    8. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      You have been accepted and whitelisted. Welcome to SATURN, Vectos. Enjoy your stay and fly safe.
    9. SkullCollector

      Multiple Slaves

      I meant on top of the master-slave effects. I probably should have mentioned that, in my opinion, weapon range in general is horribly underpowered for space combat. It feels as though range was intentionally limited to combat giant ships and encourage dogfighting with interceptors and whatnot...
    10. SkullCollector

      Multiple Slaves

      I personally think we need a variation of the old weapons system combined with what we have now. I miss how I could distribute 70% of 'weapon energy' to range, but I had diminished reload. This would also make, say, dedicated snipers viable again, especially in non-default sectors. A battleship...
    11. SkullCollector


      They provide crafting ingredients / fuel, sensor jamming and purrtyness. I think those are some fairly awesome pros. If we ever get to have buildable asteroids again, imagine slowly dragging one from a regular solar system into a nebula to build a hidden base on it. Somehow gravity-anchor it in...
    12. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Why is it that all the people apply when I'm about to get some well-deserved sleep at 0244! Welcome to SATURN, Phantomswords! You have been accepted and whitelisted. Enjoy your stay and fly safe.
    13. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      Jerry_Brinefield You have been accepted and whitelisted as Jerry_Brinefield. If you don't want your underscore, drop me a mail on the server and I'll whitelist you as 'JerryBrinefield'. Welcome to SATURN! Enjoy your stay, pilot. That thing is marvellous, by the way.
    14. SkullCollector

      Free Custom Avatars/Forum Banners/logos ect.

      Rated informative, because, y'know. :)
    15. SkullCollector

      Free Custom Avatars/Forum Banners/logos ect.

      Don't believe him, he hires enslaves minions for the designs and offers you them to insinuate himself into the community. It's all lies, until you notice that it's not. Think about it, Dan, think!
    16. SkullCollector

      SATURN Shipyards -- Creativity to the Max!

      I have the weird feeling you'd fit right in, but I'm afraid I cannot make an exception to the rule. Are you trying hard enough? Maybe apply more force to F5 or F6, say, with hammer and chisel. Application on hold.
    17. SkullCollector

      Big ships, small ships

      Over the past nine months I've seen three big topics popping up on the forums every now and then; shipyards, FTL / warpgates and the balancing of big ships vs small ships. There are more general topics like shields and thrusters, but these are what I'm interested in the most. I haven't seen any...
    18. SkullCollector

      Static Electricity

      Please elaborate. Last I checked, a lightning was the channel of an electrical current through ionised dense gas, which, as a plasma, has loosened its electrons and emits a bright glow due to heat also conducted via this plasma-phased gas. Roughly. If there is gas, there is logically no vacuum...
    19. SkullCollector

      Dans' big ol list of ideas

      There might indeed be an issue with weapons; if the barrels were split from the rest, weapons could lose their grouping bonuses and be split into several groups acting independently (i.e., more outputs with less DPS). One solution I see is to build the turret as usual, but then requring us to...
    20. SkullCollector

      Dans' big ol list of ideas

      Oh yes please, give us the wedged docks. I have plans for a capital with quite a bit of slanted armour but little flat surface area for turrets to mount. The two-part system for turrets could therefore also prevent clipping into elevated sections of the hull, if I understood that rambling...