Search results for query: shift register

    1. Sven_The_Slayer

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      Wouldn't this be a "shift register"? I'd actually have to see it function.
    2. takethispie

      [Logic] Processors Design and Conception

      hi, i'm here to share one of my passion and hobby: building processors for those who aren't familiar with this terms, the processor or Central Processing Unit ( CPU ) is the "brain" of your computer, in the center of the motherboard of your computer without a CPU, isn't a computer...
    3. therimmer96

      Programmable Computer Block (fleet command, mechs, etc)

      The reason I say LUA is because alot of people know it from CC, and it is incredibly basic, you can make so many syntax errors in there and it will still work, well, in CC atleast.
    4. Andir

      Programmable Computer Block (fleet command, mechs, etc)

      ...and had one output, it would allow a lot of really cool things by itself. A single logic output could feed a series of blocks via a shift register of logic blocks. The script would just have to output a stream of bit values. Of course, if the script had access to valuable ship data, this...
    5. Thalanor

      How do I make an activator block reset itself?

      ...running clock attached to many components in a logic room in such a way that a fairly large amount of logic updates would happen (e.g. the clock input leads to change more often than not; like an 8-bit "logbook" shift register thing protocolling state changes like a flight recorder does)
    6. Bench

      StarMade Logic - 4 Digit 7 Segment Stopwatch

      Nice, good to see people working at logic circuits. I have a similar countdown timer that uses shift register to cycle through outputs. Again always a problem when sector unloads though.
    7. takethispie

      Fazer Mini: working 8 bit CPU

      NeonSturm it's a 3*4bit register bank (Ra,Rb,Rc) not 4*10bit wich is for the ram I'm using Logisim, an awesome software where you can use basic gates but also very complex part like ram, multiplexer/demultiplexer, shift function etc... you connect everything with wire (can be 1bit or be a bus...
    8. G

      Starmade Logic Tutorials

      Would be very good to see that, thank you very much, what is the name of the circuit im heading to build? Maybe if i do some logic gate researchs i may do it, also how would activating beams with logic be useful when there is your actual ship? Also does logic gates consume power, and does...
    9. Bench

      Starmade Logic Tutorials

      if you want a ticker like that you need to build something like a shift register. I was building one during the dev stage and used it to bug test a lot of advanced circuits. Basically it's a series of latches connected sequentially with each other + a clock if you want it to run automatically...
    10. The Clown

      How to take and post a screenshot to the forums (Mac, PC and Laptop)

      Follow this and you should be uploading screenshots in no time at all. 1. in-game press Tab and the G key together to remove your hud from in game, (pressing them a second time will turn your hud back on). 2.Use the print screen button on your keyboard, for PC there will be a key located on...
    11. The Clown

      How to post ships onto website

      If you\'re looking to also upload a screenshot for people to view the ship before download: 1. in-game press Tab and the G key together to remove your hud from in game, (pressing them a second time will turn your hud back on). 2.Use the print screen button on your keyboard, for pc there will...