Search results for query: shift register

    1. Trekkerjoe

      Logic Cortex -Programmable Microprocessor (WIP)

      Logic Cortex model A: Logic Cortex My first functioning computer in starmade.
    2. Trekkerjoe

      Starmade MANIAC LOGIC

      1: Cool, but it seems to cost a lot of operations. When I said table, I was referring to using a grid of ANDs to represent values. Each number had three possible values, for example, 1 would have these values: 100,10, and 1. The result is a little large, but runs in one operation. I was...
    3. 6ngb

      Starmade MANIAC LOGIC

      1. I guess you want an input like of a calculator: the user presses a digit, the number shifts to the left one position (i.e. gets multiplied by 10) and the newly pressed digit is added. After each button press, the number stored must first be multiplied by 10 (or 1010 binary) and the button's...
    4. HolyCookie

      Starmade MANIAC LOGIC

      Have I told you I suck at explaining? I really don't even know what I tried to explain there.... Could you make a platform with your best logic tricks on it? I need to learn some new tricks and systems (things like a binary counter and shift register but those i know)
    5. Fellow Starmadian

      Starmadian's Logic Showcase Thread

      This thread will be dedicated to my "finished" projects. Mostly meaning that they work and don't start getting errors when someone sneezes on them. I also usually have at least one other player test all my designs, so I'll make sure to give credit where it's due. Starting to get some projects...
    6. Aynslei

      Single Button Cycler

      If you could figure out a shift register it has all the elements you need for what you wanted. Anyway I went and threw together a little demo of what you wanted. Takes 4 button presses to go through [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0].
    7. Aynslei

      Single Button Cycler

      It sounds like what you want is a Shift Register. Take a look here. I also think this may have one or at least may help you build one. (been I while since I looked at it)...
    8. iceman6491


      Jump in the core and fire the weapon yourself. You may find it has power issues. Should the weapon register as firing double tap right shift, then hold left shift and scroll out, giving you a third person view of sorts. now fire the weapon and observe where the shot goes relative to the barrel...
    9. Olxinos

      Bidirectional shift register 2015-06-26

      A simple bidirectional shift register, i don't really know what to do with it, so i'll just put it here. I added lights on the blueprint so that you can play with it (although you could also simply observe the states of the flip-flop/not gates, but lights are prettier). demonstration gif...
    10. Auriga_Nexus

      Recognized Logic Wishlist

      ...the functionality of factories and storage blocks to better interface with existing logic systems. I already know how to make a binary shift register with flip flops to count up or down, and while I could set up a timer to match the factory production ticks, it's much easier just to accept a...
    11. Viridis00

      Where can I find a good tutorial for a multi-floor rail elevator?

      ...way to make the cycle work. A button with a flipflop as a slave which has another flipflop as its slave. I should have just looked up shift register before like you mentioned and saved myself the time experimenting, but that's learning I guess! This will cycle those flipflops through low-low...
    12. Viridis00

      Where can I find a good tutorial for a multi-floor rail elevator?

      I don't play on servers (yet). There shouldn't be a problem with a call function except maybe on the middle floor. I think I have a general idea of how to check which floor it's on though.
    13. iceman6491

      Where can I find a good tutorial for a multi-floor rail elevator?

      hmm, okay. You can incorporate a single button to cycle a shift register, im just trying to get my head around the potential issues that may arise from interrupting the cycle with the call buttons. Give me a sec to think and I'll get back to you. Or alternatively, you on the NFD Build server any...
    14. iceman6491

      Where can I find a good tutorial for a multi-floor rail elevator?

      Could you squeeze an extra button in? Having one up and one down button might be easier when combined with a shift register
    15. P

      Bug Bugged flip flop behavior after paste (DEV BUILD)

      ... As you see, the first gif shows normal function (essentially a left right shift register) second shows me pasting the thing, and the last shows how the T flip flop does not act in the same way as it should (what is happening it appears, is that the flip flop...
    16. iceman6491

      Shift Register 2015-04-12

      After much hair loss, I think I've managed to get the shift register to work... hopefully... This is a template, so whack it in the templates folder :)
    17. iceman6491

      Starmade Logic Tutorials

      Try this mate, it should work (awaiting approval at time of post)
    18. wat

      Implemented New Logic Block "Randomizer"

      ...a random block would basically have made the entire thing like 3% of the original size. I ended up building an 8bit Linear Feedback Shift Register for my Pseudo Random Numbers and that worked pretty well. Also building the RNG is the fun part :P. But for more applications, having a block that...
    19. X

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      Kinda surprised you haven't built a JK flip-flop counter. I wasn't kidding when I said it was the go-to counter in electronic circuits since computers don't care what a pain it is to convert to base 10, nor are they unfamiliar with what numbers look like. 'Course in Minecraft simply building...
    20. takethispie

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      ...counter with increment/decrement and parallel load i'm using on the differents processors I've built I know the difference between a shift register and a counter xD a shift register don't have the same connections and would rather use D Flip Flop (but JK are the same when you connect J and...