Search results for query: chairs

    1. StarMade Lover

      Citadel X - 1.8 Update:

      ...Living Quarters & Dining Hall Decor: Kitchen & Bar Area:
    2. docpenguindoc

      DI Slave I 1.1

      ...(3 on left and right. Can be entered using sideways gravity on floor) Boba's Quarters & Escape Pod Command Area: (To properly swivel with chairs, make sure you're connected to the gravity block on that segment) Core Access: (Also weapons computers, and rail buttons) Extendable USD...
    3. Tshara

      BSI (BLT Space Industries)

      That’s a sweet bridge setup. I sense some Star Citizen inspiration there. Here is a thought. Put the chairs on rails and make them rotate towards the player when approached :D
    4. Celotown777

      The Varis United Shipyards

      ...ramp that leads to the crew module The Corridor note: I spent like 2-3 hours on it The crew area, with a full kitchen net (not visible), 4 chairs, and some machinery in the back, the engineering access, is below the grate, if you wanted to know the crew's room, with it's own airlock (when...
    5. PainNigouto

      I don't get Starmade anymore.

      i think i have few words to throw around here.. first off: practice. personally, i like to do micro-stuff. mini vehicles, computer terminals, chairs, machine parts, etc. working in micro-spaces will force you to be creative and you'll find uses for blocks you haven't thought of before. also...
    6. alij331

      In Developement Cockpits: Simple solution (remote core access)

      ...category that i thought of called 'logistics (inventory) control functions', but i'm yet to populate it with ideas... second section: chairs and screens third section: warp I hope you like my ideas! they dont require the core to be modified in any way, they just interact with the...
    7. Dr. Whammy

      Small Simple Requests

      Nice. I have a similar setup to yours but I use the other metal bars so the arm rests sit at a more realistic height. I also have a 40in holographic view screen to interface with the onboard "Cross-linked Biometric Optical Xentrometer". (X-Box) for... "training simulations" ;) Small...
    8. klawxx

      Small Simple Requests

      I use ingot wedge as chairs, and inverted dark grey armor as keyboard. This allow me to seat (wedge + inverted wedge does not need a 1m space between them to be "seatable") on the ingot and use the keyboard Screen are usually a 1/4 blue crystal block. Arms and headrests are optional....
    9. EricBlank

      Small Simple Requests

      ...with a keyboard that isn't a full meter away. I've been using motherboard wedges to represent keyboards, but they look goofy, especially with the newer, higher-definition models and textures. The new computer models look decent as a user interface, but you cant sit at them. Also, chairs plox
    10. JinM

      Engineering for Roleplay - Brainstorming

      ...combat oriented vessels if they are not meant to be for long term opertions deployment minimum example for a short term combat vessel: pilot chairs and that's it. - most of the huma needs can be satisfied with an astronauts suit and sleeping happens in the chair as well example for a...
    11. Tsnonak

      Discuss with the Devs July 18 2019 ([SIS]-Shortform)

      ...think worrying too much about small things in balance and preventing abuse impeded progress the most. That's why the rule system now exists. Chairs are planned, and with that sharing control on the ship. questions about bugs: Genrally I try to fix all bugs, but some of them are incredibly...
    12. DeepspaceMechanic

      Storyline Based Design Competition

      Missed the end-date by a day, but here's my entry! (I'm making a new post for it, instead of editing my reserved post, to bump the thread) Since the size limit was 30^3, I figured I'll make a 29x29 base and see how many floors I can stack onto each other. With my standard 5m ceiling height...
    13. AngelusKutona

      Storyline Based Design Competition

      Basis - Dear StarMade Dock Community Members, I have come up with an idea to get creative juices flowing from everyone and to help inspire people to build creations which will vary from stations and ships to rooms and components. Each section of the competition will see a brief Storyline for...
    14. happahappa


      we can access weapon control computers on foot? how? since when?
    15. Edymnion


      Command chairs have been on the dev's radar for ages. Devs had said they're coming, so they're probably going to be in the universe update. Since you can already access weapon control computers while on foot, just seems logical that we should be able to do things like access a fleet control...
    16. OfficialCoding

      Custom Cube Block / LOD Block

      That sounds great. I think that Schema has bigger priorities atm but definitely something cool for Beta or Release
    17. Edymnion

      Custom Cube Block / LOD Block as a blueprint you could export. --- Alternatively, same idea as above but with a free build space within a certain size that would turn it into an LOD block. So we could build our own mini-details (like chairs, levers, little model ships, etc) and place them as purely decorative pieces.
    18. JinM

      190126 TMPL Airlock Concept v2

      ...comes with a rail door design, and my construction platform ship. I use it as sort of "template stockpile". For example if I build 10 different chairs I place them on this ship and if I ever build a station I place this "construction site stockpile of interior parts" into my hangar. Roleplay...
    19. Jake_Lancia

      TRV Strider-class Corvette - Solaris style Update

      ...the Solaris interior style (the rest matched anyway) The brown pipe thing with lights on the bottom front is now lit purple - it's now lit to represent the primary warp coil for FTL travel Bridge lighting change, and bridge chairs made brown-basic to match the Solaris style No system changes