Introduction thread!

    Oct 29, 2018
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    good luck with the new machine. i hope to see some of your designs in the community content sometime :3
    Thanks! Hopefully I’ll be getting it soon. I was able to find a discount on some Lenovo laptops, so I might be able to get one with 16 gigs of ram, as opposed to my current 6 gigs. I’ll try to post some screenshots of my Argus class Hykqin Federation Cruiser and Icarus class Federation Destroyer soon. I’ve just gotta get the turrets figured out, cause my current ones refuse to fire at pirates.
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    Apr 25, 2019
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    I like survival, space and once in a while, FPS games. I appreciate games made with Java since I love Java. I really hope this game will become freindly and fun. I like some aspects. The friendly NPC at the trading station is cool. It's odd that I don't need to breathe oxygen in space. I don't understand power systems at all. Really looking forward to seeing the game become as great as it could.

    Oh, and please make a Light Theme an option, like the one I'm using now. I get headaches trying to read light text on a dark background.

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    Nov 30, 2019
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    Greetings y'all,

    Played SM years ago and recently picked it up again. Slowly figuring out all this new stuff!
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    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Greetings y'all,

    Played SM years ago and recently picked it up again. Slowly figuring out all this new stuff!
    WB! :3

    There's alotta new stuff that underwent a couple revamps so some of the info you find might be slightly out of date. You might need to consult some of the resources in the Discord chat.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Why aren't these "resources" on the forum or even the wiki? What's the point of this place and the wiki if all the important information is sequestered away in some closed room? And no I'm not joining discord.
    Hi there! I'm the messenger. I enjoy memes, people with well developed... senses of humor, long walks down tig biddy coth ghicks and not getting shot when I deliver bad news :3
    I dunno what to tell you. If I'd known you'd have taken the news so badly I'd have added some form of lubrication.
    -_^ no charge, even.

    Maybe next time, sweet heart. See you in space, starmate!
    May 2, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Hi there! I'm the messenger. I enjoy memes, people with well developed... senses of humor, long walks down tig biddy coth ghicks and not getting shot when I deliver bad news :3
    I dunno what to tell you. If I'd known you'd have taken the news so badly I'd have added some form of lubrication.
    -_^ no charge, even.

    Maybe next time, sweet heart. See you in space, starmate!
    So in other words you're saying as far as you know discord is the only way. Shame. So let me ask, the forums are dead I've noticed, does this reflect the state of the game as whole?


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    So in other words you're saying as far as you know discord is the only way. Shame. So let me ask, the forums are dead I've noticed, does this reflect the state of the game as whole?
    Since you all "The Better Idea Squad", you tell me.
    Or don't.
    That'd work for me <3.

    Here's an even better idea, post the resources to the publicly visible forum instead.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Why the attitude, WarSong?

    Umm I have been away from the game over a year, seeing as how I have no clue what you're talking about as well as your general attitude, I have my answer. TY
    I've been away from the game for a while, too, and only come back to build, not to actually play. But if it answers any of your questions - my understanding is that the game is abandoned and possibly going open source. It follows that the forums have been abandoned along with the rest of the project, dunno if there's anyone left who's got the rights to update things. The community around discord is still pretty active though and they will surely be happy to help you with whatever you need. Cheers!


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    Impression of Planet Proxima Centauri with New the stars, Centauri a and Centauri B - Information about Proxima Centauri .
    welcome double back? lol
    fair warning (which seems to upset ppl idk why) but some of the info here and in the wiki is woefully out of date so you might wanna jump into the Discord chat and check pins there

    if nothing shows up in a search just ask. most of the old school starmates are chill af


    Praise the Omnissiah and strike down his foes
    Sep 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello folks.

    I am Maxajax, and I started playing Starmade in February of 2012.
    I led a faction that hunted down people who bashed new players.
    I also designed high-performance/low-cost turrets, drones and docked power reactors, the blueprints of which I would then give to newbies so they could defend themselves.
    I also had a fondness for building ships in the style of the Imperial Navy from Warhammer 40k.
    I played reasonably actively until 2017 when I decided to take an extended break because I got tired of re-building my ships every time the optimal method for power generation got changed.

    Since it has been almost half a decade since I last touched the game, I figured I would hop onto the forums and do a little vibe check.

    Is Schema still alive?
    How's the game doing?
    What's the primary server these days?
    Are Docked Power Reactors still a no-no due to their potential to crash the server upon detaching due to block destruction?
    Power generation still best via checker-boarded columns?
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    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Welcome back! You might remember me as WarSong. I no longer use that name tho :3
    Issalgewd dunworrie <3

    Is Schema still alive?
    -Yes and likely enjoying a well deserved Bavarian beer. The game has gone open-source and modding is strongly supported. The client will identify and download any mods needed when you join a server so there's no need to make sure your modpack matches before joining. Just be aware you might be in for a bit of a wait when first joining a modded server as the assets in the back might be gloriously hefty <3

    How's the game doing?
    -Mostly ded community wise but there's small pockets of stalwart resistors whose love for the game is rivaled only by their lack of free time to play it X3 (I know cuz that's ME) Most are building whole new ships instead of refitting older models. As much as I love to reuse elements of old designs I can say I'm more interested in seeing what newer stuff gets built rather than seeing movie builds being brought back to a functional state.

    What's the primary server these days?
    -I'd recommend CakeBuild. I can also recommend Skies of Eden. (Tho you'll never see me on the latter)

    Are Docked Power Reactors still a no-no due to their potential to crash the server upon detaching due to block destruction?
    -Docked reactors are no longer needed. They are superseded by the reactor chamber system which takes some time to learn but I find is far superior. But this is merely my personal opinion and not one that is widely held.

    Power generation still best via checker-boarded columns?
    -That's not done a thing for me. I've been just filling them in as huge blocks and making sure I have enough reactor stabilizers to make sure their output is near max. Tho I do recommend a gap between smaller batteries of reactors.
    (If a reactor is destroyed it has a chance of exploding and damaging neighboring reactor blocks. In testing I've been able to set off a cascade overload that guts the entire ship. But this is VERY rare and my attempts only yielded the fun looking results with some configuration modifications)
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    Jan 28, 2017
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    checkerboard is obsolete, reactors are just one big blob of reactor-blocks and one blob of stabilizers. Shape and orientation etc where a thing in early p2 but limited the availalbe shapes too much so that they were turned off.
    Current power allows for the most freedom of shape, while being the simplest building system so far.

    all power is now in the mothership, docks dont have power anymore, including turrets.
    Docked ships have their power turned off.

    If you join a modded server, be sure to join the discord too, bc some bugs just require help on a forum and can't be guessed by yourself.
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