Introducing The United Star Axis

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Thanks guys. I took your advice and started to vary my design techniques a bit. As obsessed as I am with my original style, I don't want to be a one trick pony anymore. It's time to mix things up a little.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    He mentioned that he hadn't finished the fleet in time, but decided to give us images anyway.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Yeah, I missed the deadline due to having too much stuff IRL that demanded my attention.

    No biggie.
    All that means is that my ships don't get to be target practice for the entire StarMade community... :D

    Besides; I am now in the middle of what I consider to be my 5th generation of design. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I don't produce quite as many designs as other players. Those designs that I do produce tend to be considerably more effective and efficient than those before them.

    Now I'm torn between putting my old crap on CC just to let people have a closer look at my designs or waiting until I make something they can actually use and fully appreciate, while dated just enough that I'm not giving away all my best tech.

    Ideally, I'd rather be building cities on planets but I don't see that happening on any of these servers.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I hope the truck is on rails.
    That can easily be done but I'm going for a very strict low-lag multi-player build this time. The last incarnation of my MCS acted like a lag generating black hole whenever a ship docked or undocked.

    MCS 2016.jpg MCS 2016a.jpg MCS 2016b.jpg
    This is going to be a pretty big environment that will accommodate a lot of visitors; both in the main bay and in two smaller cities. I need to build this thing smart the first time around. Otherwise, players won't be able to function if too many ships are around. It may even lag the whole server like the last one.

    Speaking of building smarter, I somehow got the power grid on this thing to exceed 7 million regeneration /sec. I haven't added much shielding or any warp capability yet but the thrust makes is quite speedy for something this size. I have a LOT of open space besides the main bays shown in the photos so there's plenty of room to grow. This will be a very elaborate and hardened structure when I'm finished.
    Last edited:
    Feb 25, 2016
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    This is apparently only missing some rapid-deployment racks on the ceiling for power armor suits to start wrecking any potential boarders looking to steal your storages' loot (Not that that's too common, but still, extra killing machines are extra killing machines.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I'm already on it. As soon as the main structure is finished, I plan to setup a "Sterilization Protocol". In the mean time, I do have guard posts set up for some of my sentry mode power armors.

    Also, I haven't forgotten about those drone racks. Hence, why I made this one bigger... ;)
    Feb 25, 2016
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    More firepower is never optional.

    ------I hope you didn't think I was gonna give that one up. Because I'm not.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Star Axis new generation light transport ship; inspired by the convoy transports in episode 9 of the 1990s anime series; Teknoman.

    This ship is a work in progress but it will be my default trade ship for the foreseeable future. Each of the 4 cargo bays can hold either a fighter or a space marine detachment consisting of 4 power armor units; for a total of either 4 fighters or 16 power armors.
    Fauna beware!
    X37 3D 3.jpg Fighter RG3 1.jpg Police armor.jpg

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Since plants aren't physical, you could... hypothetically... move the tractor on rails, and make the plants disappear behind it as it moves. Just saying. Excellent work recently, the light transport has a great feel! :D

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Since plants aren't physical, you could... hypothetically... move the tractor on rails, and make the plants disappear behind it as it moves. Just saying. Excellent work recently, the light transport has a great feel! :D
    Yeah, everyone keeps saying "make it move!" In the future, when the game is optimized so that lag isn't such an issue, I'll definitely do that. For now, I have to limit myself a bit since the Mobile Command System is going to be a trade hub of sorts in the multi-player universe. I doubt people would want to visit if I lagged them into the quintuple digits again.

    In the mean time, I'd like to introduce another member of the Star Axis fleet...

    Lancer class

    This craft is the result of a joint venture between Star Axis subsidiaries; Fairborn Naval Industries and Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences.

    The Lancer is equipped with a high velocity railgun. While somewhat slow to fire, the weapon's projectiles can pierce heavy armor at extreme range while causing a violent cavitational effect in their wake; severing powerlines and igniting auxiliary batteries.
    It's a work in progress but it so far, I like how it's turning out. Paired with the Pathfinder's Ion beam weapon, a squadron of these could pose a serious threat to larger targets.
    Lancer 1.jpg Lancer 2.jpg Lancer 3.jpg
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Swweeeeettttt. Nice and sleek, though with the awkward 1/2 slope wedging that bow is rather abrupt comparatively; may I suggest slabs? I bet you've tried it but if not, Idk how good it'll look but it might help with the abruptness. Or slab the railgun so it appears to continue shrinking a bit. Anyways, really nice engine section, really awesome hull. The bow is the only section that appears to need work from these angles. Nice plating work, too. All you really need are some touchups. Can we get an underside shot though? I'd like to see it.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    • Thinking Positive
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    Swweeeeettttt. Nice and sleek, though with the awkward 1/2 slope wedging that bow is rather abrupt comparatively; may I suggest slabs? I bet you've tried it but if not, Idk how good it'll look but it might help with the abruptness. Or slab the railgun so it appears to continue shrinking a bit. Anyways, really nice engine section, really awesome hull. The bow is the only section that appears to need work from these angles. Nice plating work, too. All you really need are some touchups. Can we get an underside shot though? I'd like to see it.
    I just got an SQL exception error that wiped out my universe!:mad:

    I now have a fair amount of 'damage control' to attend to... I'll try your suggestions as soon as I get everything setup again.

    [doublepost=1476748946,1476748477][/doublepost]Yeah... I lost all the progress I made on this ship and have only the basic hull shape. If I can't fix the corrupted universe, I'll have to rebuild it from scratch.
    Jun 11, 2016
    Reaction score
    Thats sux.

    Same thing happend to me yesterday as well. Started building a ship for 2 hours, and I logged in the next day the entity file was missing and I had to start over. But thats not comparable to loosing a whole world.

    I started saving a backup of my whole station every time I was finished for a day. The ships I have in a world are all docked to this station. But this does not help that much because the station does not resemble a whole progress in a world for sure.