Recent content by Xeonz

    1. X

      Block ID List (with dynamic searching)

      Thanks, I\'m glad you like it :) I don\'t have any problems on my end with minimizing lists, which browser are you using? I would like to add icons at some point but I think it would have too much of a negative effect on the load times currently.
    2. X

      Block ID List (with dynamic searching)

      While building in StarMade, if you're like me, you're constantly spawning yourself stacks of blocks to work with. I've gotten tired of scrolling up and down the wiki page looking for block IDs so I've been working on something more user friendly.
    3. X

      Pistons, Rotors, etc.

      I basically want to be able to do something like this with my ships: Has any kind of piston/rotor/movement block type been mentioned by Schema in the past? Would it even be possible in the game engine? It would also be...
    4. X

      Stacks of hull blocks self duping/disappearing.

      I've noticed over the last week that stacks of hull blocks are duping themselves and disappearing, from my hotbar. I build my ships on a home-hosted multiplayer server and give myself stacks of whatever I need using admin commands, I nearly always just give myself a stack of 100k so I won't run...
    5. X

      New player models coming up.

      Yeah, I could, but the idea is for everyone to see the same thing when you upload or show off your ships to people on servers you don\'t control. If it were part of the base game, people wouldn\'t have to download custom blocks and textures just to see a ship how you intended it to be seen.
    6. X

      New player models coming up.

      Lights are good and all, but their level of brightness is more suited to interiors. The brightness of ice and lava blocks suits exterior lighting better. TBH I would be keen to see single new block for exterior lighting with the brightness of ice or lava that has an RGB value interface in...
    7. X

      New player models coming up.

      Schema, you are like the old Notch from early Minecraft days before he started taking vacations every other week, I hope Starmade becomes at least as popular as Minecraft and makes you lots of money! That being said, how likely are we to get a glowing green block (like ice/lava) in these...
    8. X

      What're You working on? [Closed]

      With so many other people taking a leaf out of Homeworlds book for their capital ships, I thought I would do the same while designing fighters for my carrier. These three are one ship, controlled from the center. It fulfills my need for a small agile fighter appearance whilst not sacrificing...
    9. X

      Texture Pack,

      Great work on the textures, they really enhance my enjoyment of the game! Just wanted to mention that the corner/wedge block inventory icons for grey and black hull appear to be switched around ingame (grey is black, black is grey). edit: I used the HUD + Texture bundle btw.