Recent content by Sio

    1. S

      FTL: Faster Than Light 1:1 ships

      Nice work i like it and love FTL too. ;) Hope to see more :) or like to see some modular weapons that you can attatch to the ship
    2. S

      Why the shield change is good

      i think it should be possible to kill a capital (250x250x250) with a small figther (25x25x25). BUT it wouldent be easy because it should take a lot of time (like 2 days) to take out a capital. I don\'t know a lot about playing the game cause my PC is just a pice of junk atm., so i can\'t say...
    3. S

      AI Overhaul

      I think the best idea would be to be able to program the AI by yourself
    4. S

      multiple people in one ship without turrets

      you could use the weaponcomputer as co-cockpit
    5. S

      Ramming spikes.

      I would like the opportunity just to ram your ship into the others and maby it would be effective to use some \"small\" ramming/ bording fighters to make some chees out of the enemy capitalship :)
    6. S

      ADI-Forged From A Star

      every ship has tactical weaknesses. becaus of that a ship that size should have a fleet and some fighters or interceptors.
    7. S

      Gravity System Overhaul (also Oxygen)

      As i postet in a other thread i like the idea with the hanga force fields and u support it. But you describe it in a better way than the others.
    8. S

      Booby Ai Waypoint

      and you could build transporters or thinks like that.
    9. S

      My attempt at an Wanzer ship (robot)

      and you could try the same with the leg and build something like a \"power ranger robot\" (everyone controles 1 bodypart) :)
    10. S

      Elaborated ideas on how to improve the Stealth/Jammer/Radar system

      i hope it would implemented.
    11. S

      Gravity doors!

      i think its a better idea than gravity fields for ships and i support this idea.
    12. S

      Radial gravity block

      Do you mean something like the magnet boot just controled by a gravity block?
    13. S

      Astronaunt Equips

      But i think teleporters would be a little bit op if you can tp infinite people at once or something like that. I think just small landingpot would be enough or linked teleportes to the landingpot (like in Star Wars BF 2 with the landing ships). I mean you allready can build a battering ram.
    14. S

      Programmable Ai - CODING

      I love the idear and i hope it will implementet. (I allready thaught about a targeting code ;) )
    15. S

      Radial gravity block

      I think a gravitation lock (just a door/ field, u walk through and get the effect of the gravityblock) would be better than radial gravity. And i hate it if i fall out of my ship and i think its bad for hangars and other ships too. Or just add a magnet-boot mode for the spacesuit.