Ramming spikes.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Anyone else tired of using Dis-Integrators to destroy yourself along with the enemy ship?
    Anyone else tired of not being able to move other ships through brute force without risking getting thrown out of the sector by "Warp Protection"?

    I know I am.

    I propose a simple solution: Ramming spikes. Not elaborate by any means, and DEFINITELY not high tech, but effective enough.

    They'd simply be spikes that can be attached to a ship that weigh a large amount and are extraordinarily tough, at the expense of only being able to be attached to things at the base. A normal block weighs 0.1t, right? The Ramming Spikes would weigh 0.5t or some such.

    The catch?
    They deal damage in a 1 block radius based on the velocity and mass of the ship they're attached to. If put on a pole, one could potentially skewer a ship with enough force behind it.

    No, it wouldn't be impact based - it'd be collision based in general. By smashing your ship into a target and rolling, you'd be imparting angular momentum to the spikes, thus dealing more damage. By smashing your ship into a target and shoving, you'd still be moving - albeit slowly.

    That way you could potentially push a spike into a ship by sheer brute force alone.

    Naturally, they'd have to go through shields first before damaging blocks, obviously, but a sufficient impact to break through the shields would have the ability to keep going into the blocks behind it.

    If they're able to skewer your generators or your core, then that's simply skill - it's nearly impossible to ram ships precisely, as I found out while trying to design a hook to lift some cargo crates I made.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    This would be nice for when collision eventually has damage added.

    Until then, this would really just be a minor annoyance that confuses the AI and makes for some nice-looking ship fronts.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I can see this not as a weapon of choice for when fighting pirates and other players in intense battles but as something for games. There were guys talking about races in starmade, making a course through space where the drives would need to go through, I can see the spikes being used in the races. Or in a derby match, spike covered ships ramming into each other until their ship cores get struck and they overheat and lose.


    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would like the opportunity just to ram your ship into the others and maby it would be effective to use some \"small\" ramming/ bording fighters to make some chees out of the enemy capitalship :)


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Lifter ship could skewer a target and stop them from moving long enough to be shredded by extra shots.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    well I would think this is a good Idea but the problem is that the collision in this game will either make you lag, crash your game, or... crash your game again. Adding another equasion to the algorithm will just make it worse. Maybe down the road when the game is more stable on collision and other stuff we could have shield enhancements like that but even then to add a full block or part based on collision is kinda useless. it is like bringing a gun to a knife fight, by the time you get to me I\'d have shot you already aka many many missiles to the hull.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    ^the problem with it is that we\'re trying to calculate the physics specifically based on blocks.

    Perhaps if a temporary collision mesh were created and stretched over blocks, making them effectively a single solid object... That\'d definitely make physics calculations easier, but I\'m not sure what kind of effect it\'d have on removing blocks during combat.
    Jul 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    the simpile way of makeing this is have is have an AMC with low range, high damage, fast reload, and high speed.