Recent content by <SCRIPTKITTY>


      Optional Console model for Controller/Computer blocks

      pLoX ScHeMa nCludE thIS

      Optional Console model for Controller/Computer blocks

      The decorative console is a nice shape. What I would like to be able to do is if I want to place something like a Transport Controller to have the option to place it as either a block or a console shaped equivalent. That way I could make a star trekish transporter room with an actual console...

      Power System Overhaul Proposal

      Reactors reducing heat is a little counter intuitive. But I'm sure that has been said quite a few times. A few things I would like to see is: -Passive heat dissipation, like radiators. -Consumable fuel -Cool Coolant vs Hot Coolant, heat has got to go somewhere. Radiators could be used to turn...

      5 digit binary subtractor 1.0

      Video demo-ing construction and use of such a device: Really though it's pretty self explanatory. Please note that before the system finishes random numbers may be sent as outputs I suggest that you only read the data outputted once it finishes.

      Dev Blog : October 21st 2016

      Since until a faction is observed by a player the system keeps track of that faction using numbers and different QUANTities. I propose we refer to these as Quantum Factions. Might be useful to have a name for factions that aren't truly generated and loaded, especially when differentiating...

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      The exact equation is not the point, props to you for doing the math tho, The point is that there should be some math equation to govern how many the points are effected. but yes I did mean [hull mass + mass of system blocks^2]/stations There's a big difference between setting up a tiny under...

      Read by Council Hinder design theft

      Not to hijack your thread to much, but that's generally what this thread is about, a good read, not my thread actually but non the less an important observation.

      Read by Council Hinder design theft

      The possibility of factions that soul purpose is to gain wealth by manufacturing ships for other factions would be awesome! I can see the huge ship yards now xD in order for that to happen though we need to fix the economy : Fix NPC Shops = Fix The Economy this thread needs some more discussion.

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      Lazy greedy people will always be the problem wont it >.> oh well. Now that I see your logic I agree. Either way I think there needs to be some way to give incentive to not being a turtle, While still allowing people to be turtles, maybe instead of some module, faction point loss (or gain)...

      Fix NPC Shops = Fix The Economy

      That could give people a reason to expand, I like it

      Fix NPC Shops = Fix The Economy

      I say we just need to (slowly) get rid of the npc shops, and let players figure it out. That way there will be competition and a market. The value of minerals and materials will be entirely up to players and so everything will be worth what people are willing to pay. This idea does come with...

      Enemy bases in claimed territory should drain faction points.

      I forgot this was a word, you gave me a chuckle Maybe it could be called a propaganda module XD off the idea that It mocks the faction you are draining points from by sending messages to other factions "look these people can't enforce their borders lol" (not really it wouldn't really do that...

      Read by Council Hinder design theft

      Having done that once I have to say it was incredibly exhilarating and fun.

      Custom NPC Dialogue.

      I know the NPC update is planned, and I had a thought that perhaps it would be interesting if server admins could design custom dialogue for Npcs and make them invincible. It would be a very Interesting way for server admins to provide information to new players on their server. Forgive me if...