Recent content by Riggedride

    1. Riggedride

      Item collection

      I actually made this exact same suggestion, really feels like the salvage beams should gather floating loot so I feel you man
    2. Riggedride

      After burner and ship parts or full ships

      no no, when I say you sell a ship, I mean you sell the entire ship as a whole, not convert into a blueprint but the actual ship no blueprints needed
    3. Riggedride

      After burner and ship parts or full ships

      Hey there, i'm the guy who posts exclusively in the suggestions section for some reason Anyways got a few more ideas for the thinkers AFTERBURNERS pretty simple concept, when you use them you get a large boost to your speed, but they consume "afterburner fuel" which caps at 100% and uses up...
    4. Riggedride

      Asteroid fields and Trade-able Commodities

      Thought it would be swell to add asteroid fields into the game, not the group of like 5, planet destroying sized asteroids but rather like an entire field of super small ones. (anyone ever play freelancer? kind of like that!) On the topic of fields, while scrap is basically a useless material...
    5. Riggedride

      Salvager Looting and Drone Docking

      Thought it would be a good idea to be able to use a salvage beam to pick up items dropped by enemies in combat instead of flying through it, gets the items to the storage chests that much faster. (or maybe a looting beam, if ships can't be fitted with a salvager) On another thought I think it...
    6. Riggedride

      Tiered items and more!

      Variety is the spice of life my friend, i'm a simple man but I enjoy my options, mostly having a ton of them more stuff to build with means more stuff to make. Just want more widgets and toys to build with.
    7. Riggedride

      Tiered items and more!

      (On a side note, having this all controlled by the config would also be nice) Probably already a planned feature, seeing how there is tiered hull and what have you but I figured a cool idea would be to have tiered weapons, thrusters, shields, etc. The bonus is simply be percentage based using...