Recent content by papachabre

    1. papachabre

      A minor factory annoyance

      I just produce as much paint as possible since you can't use those caps for anything else besides paint. But yeah you should use factory enhancers in the correct ratios for things like ingots and crystals for advanced and crystal armor to ensure that the correct amount of each material is made...
    2. papachabre

      AP turret

      But your shots pass through your own ship, right? Or are turrets handled differently?
    3. papachabre

      (More) Signals from factories and chests

      Oh I see. I'm glad to have pointed that out to you then :D. My only suggestions are to make it so that storage units can activate an OR block when anything draws the last item from them, and that factories and refiners also had this ability. I'd like for the same to be true for use with an...
    4. papachabre

      I give up

      Haha touche. Ok no more devil's advocate for me. Please re-equip your pitchforks and torches, and resume.
    5. papachabre

      I give up

      Could have been a mistake? Or a newbie... (note to self: if you ever join a server don't shoot swarmers close to spawn)
    6. papachabre

      (More) Signals from factories and chests

      Oh no I wasn't arguing, and I'm not right. It's just my opinion because I like thinking about logic and building machines. That's fun to me. Not everyone is like me, so just because it can be done currently doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. But I would mention that feedback is currently...
    7. papachabre

      (More) Signals from factories and chests

      Using logic and multiple factories you can accomplish at least part of this with the current system. For example I'm working on an armor factory. There's a refinery that starts and stops automatically when there are ores and shards available for it. There are factories that produce paint from...
    8. papachabre

      Free Floating Block Placement tool

      Yes please. I have such a tough time using copy/paste the way it is.
    9. papachabre

      I give up

      Are you saying that it's harder to hit by accident if it is big? That's kinda counter-intuitive, innit? It could conceivably have been someone trying to fend off a pirate, and maybe a stray cannon shot or swarmer grazed your hulking death machine. If I were in that situation I'd be pretty...
    10. papachabre

      I give up

      Just playing devil's advocate here - what if they accidentally hit your gate? Then it proceeded to spawnkill them ad infinitum which annoyed them and they saw you as the griefer? Somewhere else in the world there could be a group of players who bought their pitchforks at the same retail chain...
    11. papachabre

      3D model importing guide: Faster, Better, (Stronger?)

      Cool! I work in SolidWorks for my job and I have access to it in my free time too. Maybe I'll try designing a ship there and importing it into StarMade.
    12. papachabre

      New to game, docking questions

      Place a basic rail on the platform with the arrows facing up. Place a rail docker on your ship. Pilot the ship and select the rail docker. Paint the rail with the rail docker beam. The arrows on the rail docker will line up with those on the rail. It's similar for turrets, only you use a turret...
    13. papachabre

      What kind of factory setup do you have?

      I made a post recently in the Logic forum about making factories and refineries auto start/stop. Here's the link. So that's one use. As someone pointed out different recipes have different timers, so it's tough to make timers turn off your factories after a certain number of items are made...
    14. papachabre

      Torpedo Bombers

      Cloak Get close to large ship Release giant warhead ??? Profit
    15. papachabre

      Refinery auto start/stop

      Ah ok I see how it works. Thanks for the tip. It seems a bit convoluted for such a simple task, but I guess that's what's necessary with the current system. I wish they'd make it so that if anything empties/fills the chest then the OR flips. Actually Knack gave me an idea. This seems to work and...